Which martial art blends or combines easily with Judo?

Well I was a wrestler and won state my senior year of HS. But before H.S. I had three years of Judo. The Judo definitely gave me an advantage right of the bat. My take down skills were excellent and it was mainly die to my 3 years of Judo.

I haven't done any other martial arts, but if you watch MMA you will definitely see how some of the take down are similar with Judo take downs. Also in a real fight both people would be wearing clothes so you would have stuff to really grab and that would help you take someone to the ground. Realistically most fights are not like you see on TV (and you know that already I'm sure); but most fights go to the ground so being the first to take your opponent to the ground first is a big advantage. It's much easier to strike down at an opponent than to strike while lying on your back.

That's just my limited experience. Hope it helps.