
  1. G

    Captain America, Who?! Chris Evans Gets Hairy Makeunder in New Movie The Iceman

    Is that you, Chris Evans?! The Captain America star is almost unrecognizable in his upcoming flick The Iceman, about real-life 1970s contract killer Richard Kulinski. In the...
  2. V

    Track Guide: Road America

    Road America, located in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, is a favorite of many drivers. It’s a long circuit, at four miles, with some fast straights, technical turns, and lots of elevation changes. If you’ve driven it, you’re familiar with the infamous “Kink” turn, and you know to keep an eye out for...
  3. N

    Do you think GLORY will take over and move MMA out the spotlight in america?

    Since everybody loves a knockout in ANY sport, and GLORY kickboxing has the highest knock out percentages out of any organization and in my opinion a higher percentage of entertaining fights, do you think it will move UFC out the spotlight?
  4. M

    Why do illegals always complain about America as they walk around with

    flags of Mexico wishing America? Why do illegals always complain about America as they walk around with flags of Mexico wishing America could become more like Mexico ? Illegals always say my parents said I can get a free education in America and now America has an obligation to give me free...
  5. A

    Michigan?s Spike Albrecht introduces himself to America with the half of his life

    ATLANTA — The best thing that happened to Michigan in the first half of Monday night's NCAA title game was the national player of the year picking up two fouls in the opening nine minutes. Once Trey Burke went to the bench, the Spike Albrecht show began. Albrecht, a 5-foot-11 freshman who...
  6. T

    Computer America - Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - Mar 28,2013

    Computer America Hour one: TalkTube is the premiere mobile media network delivering broadcast quality, talk-exclusive programming across a variety of genres direct to your mobile device. Whether its politics, arts and entertainment, sports, business, personal finance, food/dining, culture...
  7. L

    Is the future going to be better for America and the world, or much...

    ...worse? In terms of economy and technology? I read an article describing the future as a very nice place. We have made billboards to produce water, underground gardens, treatments to cure sicknesses, and the poor in America and other places are living nicer than ever. BUT an economist in...
  8. D

    Do you believe that America is a land of opportunity, where anyone can...

    ...make it! Instead of complaining go make? Some money! I realize that this is a wall of text. I'd appreciate it if you read it and responded, though. This is such an impossibly strange idea that I'm not sure if the people saying it actually believe it. But ... I guess our entire philosophy...
  9. T

    Poor Diet And Physical Inactivity Common Among America's Teenagers

    Many teenagers with poor health behaviors and cardiovascular risk factors are at an increased risk of developing heart disease in later life, according to new research published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation. The researchers calculated the cardiovascular health of...
  10. B

    Riddle: Why is there a tree in the middle of every street in America?

    For kids ...
  11. M

    Is the future of America really as bleak as they say where there will be no jobs, no

    money, or technology? How will we survive the eocnomic collapse? I keep hearing and reading this suggesting we are doomed and our politicans are doing it and so are the lazys. No more technology to innovate us, no more rights to help us, only a huge income gap destroying us and our dreams to...
  12. T

    Crohn's & Colitis Foundation Of America's 'Challenges In IBD Research'

    Every five years, the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) gathers top researchers in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) to set the research agenda for the next five years. The findings and recommendations of these expert workgroups are presented in a series of detailed "Challenges in...
  13. M

    How does America have so many new technology & healthcare jobs expected

    in the future, if we're collapsing? America is turning into a third world country, just like Glenn Beck predicted: high inflation, lost of rights, low wages, etc etc..........for god sake a minimum wage job could support you in the 60's! Our budget is all messed up and countries outsource. Plus...
  14. R

    Poll: Since the world thinks America is a bully, should we actually start

    acting like one? Nazi Germany, the Empire of Japan, the Soviet Union, the Mongols, North Vietnam, North Korea, the former Iraqi government, heck even the British Empire. Those were the bullies, and yet people say the United States is a bully. People seem to like the late USSR more than they like...
  15. A

    Obama Signs Updated Violence Against Women Act, With Added Support For Native America

    After a*battle in Congress over reauthorization, the updated Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was signed into law by President Barack Obama this afternoon. Originally passed in 1994, VAWA helps fund programs aimed at preventing and prosecuting sex crimes against women and intimate partner...
  16. H

    What did the Constitution of the United States of America do? world

    history quiz please help? a.It created a federal system of power sharing between the national and state governments. c.It gave all people the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. b.It created ten amendments that guaranteed certain freedoms. d.It outlined the role of England and...
  17. S

    Just won a trip from the travel agency tour america. Is this legit?

    They seem legit and I received all the info but want to be sure it is not a scam. Has anyone won one of fuses and had it be for real?
  18. Y

    Where can i buy "emperatriz" the novela by azteca america in dvd(spanish language)?

    Where can i buy "emperatriz" the novela by azteca america in dvd(spanish language)? I can't find it anywere not even amazon....but if you know were to find it tell me plzzzzz:-) :-) :-) :-)
  19. B

    canadian traveling to america ID questions?

    I am planning on traveling to seattle washington, from vancouver BC Canada, and I am just wondering what kind of ID I will need to purchase alcohol. Here in Canada a passport and a credit card work I am just wondering will a canadian passport and a credit card be okay in the states?
  20. M

    Is America the only country that collects income taxes?

    Is that true? And if no, then which countries dont collect income taxes?