How does America have so many new technology & healthcare jobs expected

Jul 16, 2009
in the future, if we're collapsing? America is turning into a third world country, just like Glenn Beck predicted: high inflation, lost of rights, low wages, etc etc..........for god sake a minimum wage job could support you in the 60's! Our budget is all messed up and countries outsource. Plus, the new health care bill destroys the system anyways..

Therefore, how can they say "1 million new technology and med jobs coming in 2018" if there wont be an economy then??
"1 million new technology and med jobs coming in 2018"
That probably won't even cover the number of retirees in the 130+ million workforce.

But as the government Grows - the Free Markets will decline.
I believe we may have reach the saturation point where government self destructs and takes us all down.
+30.5B: Federal Spending Up, Not Down, in First 5 Months of FY13

Americans see biggest monthly income drop in 20 years
Because they know the drones will believe them no matter what