Is the future of America really as bleak as they say where there will be no jobs, no


May 17, 2008
money, or technology? How will we survive the eocnomic collapse? I keep hearing and reading this suggesting we are doomed and our politicans are doing it and so are the lazys. No more technology to innovate us, no more rights to help us, only a huge income gap destroying us and our dreams to buidl things like businesses. How will we survive? are w edoomed?
No, they have been preaching this same story line for the last 20 yrs. Pick up a paper from 1994 or 1984 and the HEADLINES will be about the same as they are today.

Go out there and live your LIFE. Make Friends, Make Love and enjoy what you have on this day. Because no one is promised tomorrow.

NO - stop spending so much time on YouTube and other sites that focus on doomsday fanatics, conspiracy theorists and the like. The U.S. has been through tough times before and likely will again but it will survive.
I'm sure that you have heard of Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and Apple. All are tech companies based in the US employing thousands of creative people. I'm sure you've also heard of Boeing, Starbucks, McDonald's, and Coca Cola. All worldwide companies based in the US. As is Exxon.

These companies are what drive the US economy forward - there's no other country in the world that has the entrepreneurial drive that exists here. And we have an enormous agricultural sector of our economy - just think of how much comes out of the Central Valley of California or the amount of corn and wheat this country produces.

Every country except the United States has more vacation days for its people - we are the hardest working people on the planet.

Even if your car was produced in Japan or Germany, it still has to be serviced here by your fellow citizens. Manufacturing isn't the end of the economic process. I'm sure that most cell phones are produced in Asia but its local phone companies that send you a bill every month for using them - not the Chinese, not the Koreans.

This is still the largest economy in the world - and that's not going to change anytime soon.

We have enough smart people to keep this economy running.