Is this a good bodybuilding workout plan for gaining muscle mass?


May 17, 2008
Hi. I'm a 19-year-old male and want to gain muscle mass. Here's my diet and workout:

*Drink 1 gallon of water a day (1 8oz glass an hour) and drink water during workouts
*Eat every 2-3 hours
*Fruits & veggies with every meal
*Protein with every meal
*Carbs & fats with every meal

*4 sets of 6-8 reps on each exercise
*Train abs twice a week
*Train calves and forearms once a week

-Monday: Chest -
*Barbell Flat Bench Press
*Barbell Incline Bench Press
*Barbell Decline Bench Press
*Dumbbell Flys:

-Tuesday: Back & Traps -
*Barbell Deadlift
*Bent-Over Barbell Row
*T-Bar Row
*One-Arm Dumbbell Row
*Barbell Shrugs
*Dumbbell Shrugs

-Wednesday: Legs -
*Barbell Squat
*Leg Press
*Leg Extensions
*Leg Curls

-Thursday: Shoulders -
*Barbell Shoulder Press
*Upright Barbell Row
*Dumbbell Lateral Raises
*Bent-Over Dumbbell Laterals

-Friday: Triceps & Biceps -
*Lying Triceps Extensions
*Seated Dumbbell Triceps Extensions
*Triceps Pressdowns
*Barbell Curls
*Alternate Dumbbell Curls
*Hammer Curls

-Saturday & Sunday: REST
Yeah it is sounding really cool bro,If someone do it i am sure they can get what they want in terms of their goal,Glad to see its kinda inspiration.
Keep sharing things like that it will surely help those who are into these things.

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