What games can you play with the person your texting while texting that person?

You could play the name game where one person says a name and you have to come up with another one.

Example: Courtney, Cody

Then when one of the people can't think of one or repeat one the other player wins its really fun. It the same for colors or animals.

Hope i could help!
:geek::cold day::moonie::smiley fart::mad::you are looser::p:emot0::bubble gum::3_3_21[1]:
Make a story using 3 words at a time.
Person1- I went to
Person2- the annex and
Person1- I danced, but
Person2- then i left.
get it? :)
dude i feel horrible caus i am sicker tan a cow on crack and i fill horrible as cap! and it is giving me a sinking feeling!:stop glass:
im fixing to play this with my bf i hope its fun!! We never have anything to talk about so this is what we r gonna do.
a really good game is would u rather! ex: person 1: would you rather jump off a cliff or be pushed off a cliff, person 2:...(choose) and thats it! enjoy :D
so i like the what if idea. random questions doesnt work well because whether rules state you have to tell the truth odds are people wont
Me and my friend play one where u have to send the 4th or 7th pic thats on ur phone, no cheating!!:p:p:vaccum::
i play a game were you have pick a topic like food and name a object that starts with the letter A like apple. then take turns going down the alphabet naming different foods.

then once you get to Z (skipping X if there isnt a object) start a new topic or do the same and try to name ones that you haven't already said.

Flirt With Them if its your BF if not try it with someone random :bubble gum:
you can play a game and itss called find it: ex: find the n-- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Make funny pictures out of text with letters &/or symbols. It may noy be a game, but it may be fun.
EX: ~~~*\o/*~~^~ A Cheerleader drounding by a shark.
Or 3:(:)) A COW!
Or you can just crack jokes.
:stop glass:
Make funny pictures out of text with letters &/or symbols. It may noy be a game, but it may be fun.
EX: ~~~*\o/*~~^~ A Cheerleader drounding by a shark.
Or 3:(:)) A COW!
Or you can just crack jokes.
:more crackers:

THT'S THE COW. Why are the smiley faces popping up on my cow?