What games can you play with the person your texting while texting that person?

have texting sex with her and ask her wat u would do if u went to her house naked and let her finshish it out

you could write down lyrics to a song and teh other person would have to name the song i play that one all the timeee
ok so you would type in something but instead of using letters you would use the simble then the other person would have to guess what your saying. its actually really fun!
Random questions :d yay

K so just play random questions, they can be truth or dare, would you rather, or if you know the question same people you can do the question where you name 5 ppl and they have to kill one, kiss one, make out, sleep with and marry( no divorce), and you can always do True or false too. :emot1: :bathbaby:
The "Letter Game"

Start with a letter like 'T' then you have to name as many words as you can that start with the letter and who ever repeats a word first loses. You can also only use movie titles or something like that.
fuck marry kill 20 questions hangman the rating game would u rather truth or dare most likely... yea srry idk :)
my boyfriend and i play a game called say something. He could text "say something cute" and i would text back a true, cute thing to say. it goes back and forth until you run out of things to say. its really fun!
you could play a game where you ask what race you hate the most and depending on what race it is, you say something so that they guess what race it is.

ex, asians
you would say: me no like you very much

ex, blacks
you would say: yo nigga come suck on dis dick and ill hook you up wit an ounce of pure blow
:emot1:;):(:D:emot2::):3_8_13[1]::3_9_7[1]:just ask how far she will go with u and hoipe she says all the way:eek:
okay, well you can play a truth or dare game but the dares HAVE to be sent to eachother thru pictures. its fun..and entertaining
the question game is ALWAYS fun, if ur texting a guy, make it dirty ;-D
me and my ex used to play that game all the time. I haven't played it with anyone else though.
Alphabet Game!

The first text starts with a, and the next person replies with a text starting with b, and so on. It gets interesting.:D