Okay here is my problem I am a very spiritual devout christian. I don't party,...

Marines aren't made in chinese porcelane tea cup factories :)

Your morals should come first, you sacrifice everything to please God.

That's my 2 cents.
Everyone is doing it, So what? Be different and unique, don't let other sergeants pressure you, pleasing God comes before pleasing yourself or others if you are a child of God. Believe me, you can give commands just as effectively by just putting passion into your words. Cussing is the lazy way to get people's attention.

You don't have to cuss just because you're a drill instructor. It's controllable.
First, it is not necessary that you become a Drill Sargent to move up in the military ranks.
Second, DIs (Drill instructors) are no longer supposed to swear at recruits. I know several my self that do not cuss at all.

Who told you that you will have to do these things or you will get into a lot of trouble? I challenge their authority on this.
I never knew profanity was a christian sin. It can be offensive and disrespectful. As a drill instructor you are doing a little harm for a greater good. Break them down so you can build them up. Just do your best at your job without profanity.
no you dont have to cuss...why would you take such a horrible job?? I joined the army BEFore conversion. I wouldnt recommend it..ick yuck ick

get thru the time and then DONT REINLIST
F**** that sh**. There's a time and a place for cursing and drinking. There's also a very big difference between use and abuse.
As a military retiree myself, I faced some of the same issues. Even some professing Christians gave in and began to swear, smoke, and so on. Sadly, instead of bearing a good witness, they got squeezed into the mold of the world (see Romans 12:1-2, especially in the Phillips translation).

You will still have the choice to not use some of the vulgar language that you hear. For example, urinals and commodes, called latrines in the Army and Air Force, should be called "heads" in the Navy and Marine Corps. Granted, there are some who will use a quite vulgar phrase or term depending on what fluids or substances are placed in them. Like Daniel, you may have to ask for God's special protection and provision. Read Daniel chapters 1-2 and see how God gave Daniel grace in the eyes of his Babylonian overlord. If it gets unbearable, you can appeal up the chain of command so that you don't have to go against a sincerely held religious belief.

Bottom line, don't use the same language the pagans do. You probably will have to pay a price for your stand, though, because you'll stand out like, well, a light in the darkness. But if you don't stay true to your upbringing, your Savior and Lord, and to what you know is the right thing to do--if you don't stay true to this, then really, what do you have left to hold on to? Anybody can go with the flow. It takes a real, I mean a REAL, man or woman to do what's right, no matter what.

I wish you the best success in the world!
If you don't want to offend God, don't. If you are told you have to and you decide your just going to have to offend God, then you will. You can't do what the world says to do and not offend God. They are two different realms of being. What the military makes of a man is not a Godly thing but a worldly thing. They are too stupid to know that what they call training is foolishness and does not make a man of a person but cowards. I have gone through it and I have seen the result. When you break a man's spirit and then chain it to unGodly actions it does not lead to noble and righteous actions. You get what happens at Abu Graib and Guantanamo and what I saw in Vietnam. Not too far from Evil.
Who told you that you have to do this? There are Christians in the military and I've never once heard anyone say they were required to cuss.

You will be tempted to cuss to fit in. But don't compromise. Of course God forgives but that doesn't mean you should disobey Him. Put Him first in all things. He will provide a way for you. Trust me, they aren't going to court martial you because you won't cuss. Remember the story of Daniel's friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who refused to worship the statue of the King. They refused to compromise and God honored them.

Read the story here