If Judaism is a religion and isn't a race, then why does Amanda Bynes claim


New member
Sep 30, 2011
to be a Jewish? She claims to be a Jewish because her mother is a Jewish, and but she doesnt know what religion she should pick from.

So basically this means that shes a jew by blood but religiously she isn't anything yet.

"Her father is Catholic and her mother is Jewish; Bynes has described herself as Jewish,[9][10][11] and has stated "I haven't decided yet [on a religion]. I don't know yet exactly what I believe".[6]
Being Jewish is both a religion and a race. One can be born Jewish because of ones bloodline and yet not follow the Jewish religion. It is also possible to follow the Jewish religion without being born into it.
This is difficult as it really isn't a race. People from all walks of life can join and become Jewish.
There are black, white, hispanic, and asian jews.

And there are many jews that aren't very religious.

And yet when people normally say "jew" they think of generations of genealogies and very devout orthodox rabbis.
Oh, for Heaven's sakes! No one is a jew by "blood." It's not the blood that is at play here - it's just that you can always know who the Mother of a child is but you can't always know who the father is. It has nothing to do with blood.

I don't really understand why this is so important to you...she is considered Jewish by the Jewish community unless and untill she converts to another religion..
JEW Jewish is a Race, you are born into it. Judaism is a religion you can join it like any other religion except Hinduism where you have to be born into it. While Christianity is where you have to be born again or born from above.