
  1. P

    Why Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam do not believe in

    Hinduism Bhuddhism & Jainism!!? Read each line carefully and then answer it rightly:- I have met lots of people in my life from abrahamic religion who strictly do not want to believe in hinduism and kind of its explanation about GOD, while on the other many hindus are ready to believe about...
  2. S

    Judaism: What is the Jewish view toward atheists?

    One of the concepts that perturb me about Christianity and Islam (there are many things, but this is just one), is how atheists are viewed, and by extension, treated. The Bible even resorts to name calling by labeling them as fools. In my opinion, an omnibenevolent G-d would not call his...
  3. S

    Is Judaism a welcoming religion?

    for one converting from Catholicism to Judaism My Mother's religion is none of your business Mike Michaels and FYI I will tell you she was born Catholic and died Catholic so why that comment?
  4. J

    Why do some people treat Judaism as a race?

    My grandmother is jewish, and my mother is jewish, and I'm an atheist. But they both say that I'm jewish, even though I've told them that I'm atheist several times. They think it's a race. Why do people think that Judaism is a race? You can choose to be jewish or not! Thanks! Judaism is a...
  5. S

    in judaism? God doesn't speak to us like he did with the israelites through

    the prophets? so nowadays there aren't more prophets or people who speak with God like they did? so the Tanakh is closed ? the last prophet was malachi no and he is the last book of the Tanakh which was a revelation from God?
  6. J

    Do Christians convert to Judaism are respected?

    Some Christians would feel bad that one of their fellow Jesus lovers converted to Judaism ?
  7. H

    Several Qs about Judaism?

    Hi, as of late I've been more and more convinced that (I'm not sure how to explain this) the Jewish idea of Gd is correct, and the Noahide Laws are the path to follow (as I am not a Jew (IDK what I am to call myself to other non-Jews)), merely from watching and reading about Jewish culture...
  8. S

    What???s the cause of evil according to Judaism?

    I am not Jewish, or even looking to be one, but I am very interested in learning about Judaism. From what I understand (and please correct me if I’m wrong), there is only one G-d, and his angels have no free will, so there’s no such thing as a “fallen angel” like there is in Christianity since...
  9. T

    How to convert to Judaism?

    I heard you need to take courses, since I'm busy I was wondering if any online courses are offered and how the conversion will take place? If there are online conversion sites, please give me links. Also how long is the process because I heard it can take weeks, months & even years. I meant I...
  10. M

    Is any good deed a Mitzvah in Judaism?

    I know there are many specific ones, but is simply doing a good deed like clean up the town, or voluntarily doing community service a Mitzvah? So is any good deed a Mitzvah?
  11. S

    who is Malchizedek in judaism?

    according to the Bible he was a king of salem but there aren't more information about him in the book of genesis but are there more information in the jewish tradition?
  12. S

    Judaism: Looking for book recommendations on the tosafist rabbis and their...

    ...methods of Talmudic study? Professor Talya Fishman's book 'Becoming the People of the Talmud' briefly mentions them, as does a short selected essay in my Jewish Study Bible, but I can't seem to find any books that discuss the numerous tosafist rabbis in any great detail. If anyone knows of...
  13. F

    What is the strictest sects of Judaism?

    I'm just wondering what is the strictest(most rigid and conservative) sects of Judaism? Hasidic, Messianis, Orthodox, or Reformed
  14. B

    What's the difference between messianic Judaism and Christianity?

    I want to know what the difference is I've been wondering for awhile now.
  15. S

    Why does Judaism oppose renunciation?

    Judaism teaches that the world is meant to be lived in and enjoyed. Christianity, of the true, first century, kind anyway, teaches that worldliness is meant to be rejected in favor of ascetic godliness. How did our Jewish brethren get such a simple, direct Law as the Torah so twisted?
  16. M

    Can somebody explain to me some differences between Karaite and Rabbanite Judaism?

    Just want to know things like culture, diet, religious affiliation, etc.
  17. A

    Good book to learn about judaism?

    I'm looking for a good book to learn about judaism. Sort of an overview of the beliefs and practices?
  18. L

    Did Christianity originate in Judaism?

    Jesus told the official leaders of the Jewish nation that He existed before Abraham, (the father of the Hebrew nation and religion), was ever born. “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” John 8:58 Since Christianity is faith in Christ and His message...
  19. E

    is the belief of free will present in Judaism?

    do jews believe in free will or is G-d in control of everything?
  20. L

    is it true judaism, christianity and islam claim to be the true religions from God?
