Is Judaism a community of faith or a tribe of related individuals?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Is Judaism considered (in your opinion) a community of faith, or a tribe of related individuals? I already have my opinion that's it's a community of faith. My girl-friend I know is an atheist, and doesn't keep kosher, but she goes to my Jewish school and goes to the prayer service still, and is accepted. My good friend that's a guy, was born to a Jewish mother and a Catholic deceased father. He goes to my school and succeeds in the Judaics classes, even though he's been public schooled his whole life. What do you guys think? If you agree with me, by any chance, can you please offer more reasons why Judaism at heart is a community by/of faith? You know, to serve as a base for my essay while I use texts from my packets to support other claims. What's your opinion? If you think I should choose the other topic, please provide good reasons! I'm in the middle and don't know which to decide, even though I'm leading towards more community of faith! Help! If you think I should strongly choose one, please provide GOOD reasons why! Thanks!
Jews don't prostelyze.
They don't recruit.
If you wish to join, you go to them and choose to join.

You don't have to, either.
If you are a good person, you still go to heaven.
Eminently sensible religion, if you ask me.
What all religions should mature into.