I have a strange clicking in my foot?


Jun 1, 2008
Over the past few years, I have developed a weird clicking sound in my foot. I can remember a time when it was not there, but I cannot remember if it suddenly came on or was gradual. If you run your hand down the side of your foot and stop where the bone indents a bit and feels softer, that's where all of my problems begin :). If I move my toes up and down, I can feel something kind of sliding over my foot. It comes from the left, slides to the right, and when I put my toes down it goes right back to the left. If my foot is on the ground, it makes a loud enough sound for people to stare at me... Lol! I am a dancer and very... Clicky...XD I can't go down the stairs without something making a huge noise. This thing on the side of my foot doesn't seem to stop me from walking, but it does get painful at times, especially when I click it too much. Please let me know what is causing this and if it is serious or not. Thank you so much :)