How should i reject a shallow guy who is really interested in me?


New member
Sep 16, 2009
We met at a party and he asked me for my number, I was hesitant since i felt it's inappropriate to meet guys at clubs. Anyway i ended up giving him my number and we've been talking on the phone for almost a week. Problem is he's extremely shallow and only talks about how much money he has and other material crap that i find so unappealing. He seems really interested but i have lost all interest...what should i do? Do i just stop answering his calls? What if i run into him at that club (it's my favorite club!) again?
Just be completely honest with him and simply put it that he is not what you are looking for. If he's a real man and not a crazy stalker then he'll be ok with that.
I'm not really so sure that he's shallow, but whether you realize it or not a lot of men measure their success by what they have & what they've accomplished. So too him, he may think that appeals to you too make his chances better. Lets face it, a lot of women today are materialistic so he may perceive you in that way. Talk to him, give it a chance, not saying you have to sleep with him but just let him know some how that all that doesn't matter to you. That you like him for who he is & not what he has.
Tell him you do not feel like you guys connected on a romantic level, basically he ain't on your level. You prefer to just be his friend hopefully his shallow a$$ can take rejection.
yep totally agree with Jessica. Don't just settle for anyone.
If he's not right for you. just let him know your not interested like that. But being friends is ok.
well if u do talk to him ,just make the conversation as short as possible. say tat you are busy . because u don't want to offense the guy.just dont be closure to him . if you run into him, say tat u got ur partner/bf/friends waiting for you
tell him he's too shallow for you and your not interested in him anymore. if you run into him, either just talk like friends or just avoid/ignore him
I agree with Andrew but if you're like me, you'll try to avoid any problems if possible. First make sure you couldn't possibly be him. Casually ask if he wants to know anything about you. Still shallow? Casually mention your (imaginary) new boyfriend. Make sure you give your "boyfriend" some characteristics though, just in case. If he gets mad that you didn't tell him you had a boyfriend then just say that he never asked. He was the one to ask for your number anyway. Hope that helps!
If he makes a hint about liking you just make it clear that you don't like him. Best not to string him along, especially if you might run into him again.