
  1. T

    The Story Of Fat Alfie: Very Young Children Appear To Reject Story Characters Who Are

    New research presented as the European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in Liverpool, UK, shows that very young children appear to reject story book characters who are overweight, but not those who are disabled. The research is by Professor Andrew Hill, Dr Sarah Harrison, and Dr Maddie Rowlinson...
  2. C

    Why does Judaism reject the trinity doctrine in any form whatsoever, and what does

    that say about Jesus? Was he not a Jew? Your Thoughts...
  3. G

    I reject your reality and I substitute my own

    I don't know if this phrase ... ... originally from Adam Savage or if he's quoting someone. I think it might be his. Today, I was in an internet argument with someone (can you believe how many people on the internet are WRONG???) and I used a phrase like that. Then I instantly lost...
  4. S

    All American Reject Tour Dates?

    I know their on tour right now with A Rocket To The Moon and I adore those 2 bands! Any clue when they're comin to Utah? I can't find dates anywhere and I don't wanna miss it! Maybe they aren't comin to Utah? Anyone know?!
  5. F

    Atheists who reject Christ, Can you reject history..History records Christ's death..?

    Tacitus (AD 56 – AD 117) was a senator and a historian of the Roman Empire. In his Annals, in book 15, chapter 44, written c. 116 AD, there is a passage which refers to Christ, to Pontius Pilate, and to a mass execution of the Christians after a six-day fire that burned much of Rome in July 64...
  6. K

    Samsung phone reject list??!!?

    Hi. I'm using a Samsung GT-B5722 touch phone or what is popularly known as a Corby. I recently added a person on the "reject list". I was wondering, is there any way to access or edit this list? Also, I received a phonecall yesterday and the number display area said "unknown"! Is it possible...
  7. K

    Samsung phone reject list??!!?

    Hi. I'm using a Samsung GT-B5722 touch phone or what is popularly known as a Corby. I recently added a person on the "reject list". I was wondering, is there any way to access or edit this list? Also, I received a phonecall yesterday and the number display area said "unknown"! Is it possible...
  8. T

    Has anyone's Samsung Galaxy S auto reject feature turned on by itself?

    I've had my Galaxy S for about a year and a half now and it's giving me nothing but problems. I wasn't receiving calls - just seeing the phone light up and get voicemails. Then I thumbed around in the settings and found that the phone had turned the auto-reject switch on for all calls by itself...
  9. T

    Has anyone's Samsung Galaxy S auto reject feature turned on by itself?

    I've had my Galaxy S for about a year and a half now and it's giving me nothing but problems. I wasn't receiving calls - just seeing the phone light up and get voicemails. Then I thumbed around in the settings and found that the phone had turned the auto-reject switch on for all calls by itself...
  10. S

    How will you treat co worker who reject a greeting card on his/her birthday?

    This is the thing, I have this strange co worker who by the way I don't like as a man, just think he is cool weird and since he is the lonely one in the office I decided to treat him on his bday with a nice greeting card, when I handed it to him he said " I do not do cards, I do not open cards...
  11. A

    Pastor Says Yoga Is ‘Demonic’; Warns Christians To Reject It

    Here we go again: Another Christian warning us that yoga is sinful. In his blog, Pastor Mark Driscoll from the Mars Hill Church in Seattle, says that "yoga is a religious philosophy that is in direct opposition to Christianity". Because of this, he believes that "yoga cannot be simply received...
  12. T

    If someone threatens you with immortality if you reject their sparkly...

    ...assertions, are they most likely going? to leave you in the woods?
  13. O

    what is the possibility that Jesus would reject Christianity and go back to

    Judaism or Islam? as those two religion actually was founded by prophets of Abraham(sign of prophets are there in Moses bible) unlike Christianity which is founded by some men
  14. H

    Why do ugly boys whine when we reject them?

    I'm sorry but I don't date ppl who I don't find attractive!! Like you know they become your friend then later ask to be more... And promise to treat you good. Well I'm sorry ugly boys... How can I have fun wit you when you so ugly??
  15. J

    Will the US NAVY reject me?

    I have had plans on joining the US Army/Navy for years and will try out next year. This is my dream, my biggest goal in life, fighting/serving for my country. I am a little overweight and do not live a healthy lifestyle, i drink a lot of soda and have to take B12 VITAMIN Pills. I will give...
  16. G

    Why did the Jews reject Jesus Christ?

    Why did the jews not accept Jesus as their Messiah?
  17. W

    Why do some self-proclaimed Christians reject St. Paul's teachings saying

    that he's not really Jesus' apostle? They also say that Paul came after Christ and didn't personally know Christ.
  18. H

    Is Luke 10:18, what it will be like for those who reject Christ, when they are

    judged? (Luke 10:18) He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." Is this what Psalm 1 means when it says "The wicked will not stand in the judgment." Powerful imagery... those who reject God, shot out of His presents to hell, like a bolt of lightening without a single word from...
  19. S

    Why does Windows Media Player reject this file and what can i do to fix it?

    Hi, i downloaded a video file (.001) and tried to play it with Media Player. it plays fine at the beginning but goes "Windows Player encountered a problem while playing the file" or something like that, I've tried other Media Players(VLC, Haihaisoft, WinAmp) but had no luck. Does anybody know...
  20. S

    Why do Jews reject the salvation offered through Jesus Christ when His...

    ...presence is all around them? Clearly, Jews have a strong suspicion that Christianity and the acceptance of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is the one true path to salvation, and some do act on these suspicions, and accept Him. However, most Jews do not take this step, despite being...