how can i stop my brother and my dad arguing in my presense?


Jun 6, 2008
For years my dad and my brother have been arguing about stupid things like headphones and mcdonalds burgers. They don't just bicker they are actually fighting about it and they decide it's appropriate to do it in front of me.

My dad grew up with fighting in his house but that's no excuse for his behaviour every time i ask him to do something about it he tells me that he will but then nothing happens. I'm not asking them not to fight I'm just asking them to do it somewhere else but they seem to think that this is a big request.

My mum and my dad are divorced so i see my mum every two weeks and my dad every two weeks. My mum suggested that i only see my brother on weekends but that could not work due to my dad's work.

How can this be fixed? I've already tried talking to my dad alone. Any suggestions?
Grab television remote 2) Walk outside of your house. 3) Walk to the window closest to the room that they are fighting in. 4) Turn up TV to Max volume. 5) Watch the fighting stop.

Repeat this every time it happens.