
  1. B

    What should I do about me and this girl arguing at school always!?

    Ok so me and this girl in my class argue almost each day. She told me to live in a box and i told her go die. And then she said all of these other mean things and i said F**k you. She said she doesn't care about anything about me. Should We apologize or make up? What should I do if she doesn't...
  2. E

    Lets all stop arguing, get some hot chocolate chip cookie with COLD MILK and watch

    Ed Edd n Eddy? watcha say?
  3. E

    Why are we arguing over religion and atheism when we all know that?

    F@cked up parents raise f@cked up children? We all want a better world. Some want to help make this one better and other want an afterlife better world. The bottom line is that religion or atheism don't make the world better on their own. Moderate believers take the good points of their religion...
  4. M

    What to do with arguing parents?

    My Mom and Dad were an exemplary couple until the time we found out that Dad had fathered a child during his bachelor days. Things have never been the same since then. Mom and Dad have been quarrelling often and Dad would sometimes leave home and would not return until after several days or...
  5. Lisa

    how to stop arguing with a partner?

    help! me and my boyfriend been together 2 1/2 years, lately we have been constantly arguing over every little thing and it ends up that i get blamed for all of it, im starting to get sick of it and really need help on how to solve all this arguing!!! thanks
  6. Dude

    Why do books arguing against the existence of God sell far better than books

    arguing for the existence of God? There have been many books written in response to "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. A lot of them were pretty weak. But perhaps the best one was the one written by the philosopher Keith Ward called "Why There Almost Certainly is a God", which absolutely...
  7. D

    how can i stop my brother and my dad arguing in my presense?

    For years my dad and my brother have been arguing about stupid things like headphones and mcdonalds burgers. They don't just bicker they are actually fighting about it and they decide it's appropriate to do it in front of me. My dad grew up with fighting in his house but that's no excuse for...
  8. N

    Isn't hard to agree to a deficit reduction plan when we're also arguing over the...

    ...role of government? A House divided can't stand.
  9. A

    Why do you seem to enjoy arguing religion?

    If people are so offended by God or find the idea so preposterous, then why do you waste so much time arguing about it. Why not just ignore it? If I truly thought people were that unreasonable I wouldn't waste my time or energy trying to reason with or insult them. That only works with an...
  10. A

    My parents keep arguing?

    My mum keeps having a go at my dad for things he doesn't do when really she can be just as bad. Like my dad tried making dinner the other day but my mum was annoyed cos he hadn't done it right or something. But she's like why didn't u think to do this, she assumes that he should just know to do...
  11. E

    Asexual arguing with other asexuals on the sexual topic... Any opinions?

    In these last days I have gone into a form of heated debate with other asexuals who claim that they want, enjoy and even look forward for sex. I am trying to understand how can that be. Now I ask you do you think a person can be asexual (orientation) and still want/enjoy/look forward to sex? For...
  12. A

    Why are some Christians and Atheists always arguing and fighting with...

    ...each other constantly? Yes I'm a Christian asking this question. I shift the blame on both sides, Christians why the heck are you guys trying so hard to preach to people who obviously don't want to hear the message you are trying to convey? And why do some Atheists go out of their way to...
  13. M

    what in my birthchart indicates why im good at arguing and have a sharp tongue?
  14. S

    always arguing with my boyfriend?

    ok a little info behind us, i'm 19 he's 23, we've been together for 15 months, in july i had pretended to be one of my friends and i was texting him pretending to be them (with their permission) after 3 weeks he found out and got really mad and we broke up. we've got back together and he's told...
  15. C

    my mum keeps arguing with me about donating blood, can anyone shed some light?

    Well first off im 18 so i wont be needing her permission or anything about donating. Honestly, i dont even know where to start with this. I have tried speaking to her nicely about what her reservations are about my choice of donating but often this just results in tears on my part and my mother...
  16. T

    Are any laws being broken if a child arguing with his mother leaves the house... go his grandmother's? Not me,someone i know who fights with his mother alot and gets in these situations too many times to count.Kidnapping charges get threatened alot. The child is 16 and the mother threatens the grand mother with kiddnaping charges. Also i live in the US. so american...
  17. C

    Ramadan : Before arguing Muslims, non-muslims should know that there are 5

    kind of Muslims here & they're? : 1 - sunnis (who take fight on everything) 2 - sunnis (who are humble and we help you to acknowledge the truth about Islam) 3- Quranist who speak ill of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) in spite of the fact that Allah(swt) has been very precise in Quran that Mohammed was...
  18. O

    even if we had proof, would we still keep arguing?

    lets say jesus came back and told the other religions that there was only god. would he be believed? lets say its thor that comes down, saying the same thing. would the christians convert? would the muslims? the jewish? Atheism would surely end, no reason for its existence at that point. But...
  19. C

    Arguing because i didnt get scholarships...ungreatful?

    I'm in school and last year I needed some loans, but this year I worked hard and achieved federal funding so I didn't need to take loans out. I'm receiving a nice size refund check, but I'm going to be using toward my apartment costs. My brother jumped down my throat about my parents having to...
  20. S

    My boyfriend and I keep arguing over the same thing, help??! Cant stop nagging.?

    He told me today that he sometimes rather not call me, text me back because i always nag him about something. He said he's been feeling like this for months. I on the other hand feel like for months now have a boyfriend that doesn't like talking or communicating with me which in return makes me...