Atheists, scenario: You are on a coach tour and you stop outside a historic....?


New member
Aug 1, 2012
place of worship. The curator of the building insists that according to the religious protocol all who enter the building must dress appropriately as a mark of respect. i.e. men must not wear shorts and vests, and women must not expose their flesh,legs arms, neck etc...and if any are gays, then they must not show this inside the building.
Would you accept these rules without question?Or would you seek to defile the house of worship?
if those are the rules by the traveling group, then yeah i would dress accordingly, if i want to see it that bad, and for the gay thing, don't ask don't tell
When someone invites me into their house and tlls me the rules before entering I follow the rules.

Same things apply here. It is just common curtosy.

If I cannot follow the rules I do not enter.
If it is a place of worship it would not have a creator and all are accepted into places' of worship. Though some make you pay for the privilege which God strongly objects' to. If they cannot maintain a building let it fall down. God does' not live in church buildings' but in peoples' hearts'. Look at the places' ministers' of any religion live in and ask, would God approve?
I would accept the rules out of respect, but I'd wonder why the church dosent respect me back as well...