
  1. C

    Car fans Tuners vs Muscles vs Exotics picture this scenario your trying to out run

    a nuke 1 minute head start? 1 minute head start nothing but straight road in a desert indiana Jones crystal skull nuke scene got me thinking this lol. I know most will probably pick Muscle in this situation because there known for there acceleration drag races are straight road races. Also tell...
  2. C

    Car Fans tuners vs muscles vs Exotics picture this Scenario your trying to...

    ...out run a nuke 30 second head start? 30 second head start nothing but straight road in a desert indiana Jones crystal skull nuke scene got me thinking this lol. I know most will probably pick Muscle in this situation because there known for there acceleration drag races are straight road...
  3. J

    Anyone know of any sci fi books based on a (false reality scenario) like...?

    the Truman show or the matrix yes i know both are movies but the concept where the world the main character is living in is a false reality
  4. H

    Atheists, scenario: You are on a coach tour and you stop outside a historic....?

    place of worship. The curator of the building insists that according to the religious protocol all who enter the building must dress appropriately as a mark of respect. i.e. men must not wear shorts and vests, and women must not expose their flesh,legs arms, neck etc...and if any are gays, then...
  5. F

    New computer for your home scenario question.?

    You just received a new computer for your home. It comes with the latest operating system. You also have an Internet service provider from which you can easily use the existing network to connect to the Internet and do some online banking. Describe the steps you plan to go through to ensure that...
  6. H

    Atheists, scenario: Your manager has sealed off a substantial portion of...

    ...your recreation room for use....? as a multi-faith prayer room, in line with democratic values. What say you?
  7. K

    Please help me solve the riddle to this ACl scenario.?

    I want a access list which will permit smtp traffic sourced from host port 8080 destined to host could i do that? I talked to my cisco friend they say the following acl should apply... access-list 101 permit tcp eq 8080 eq...
  8. M

    What episode is this Gossip Girl scenario from (Chuck trying to get Blair back...)?

    Blair and Chuck were broken up, Blair was trying to move on, Chuck ended up begging for her back. Blair was upset with herself and said something like "we deserve each other" and meant it in a bad way. Chuck was upset at that, some crying, etc. It must have been from one of the past two...
  9. M

    What gun would be better for an SHTF scenario?

    Semi-auto FN FAL or Springfield M1A? I'm already pretty sure that a 1911 would be the best sidearm. P.S. No haters. If you can't shut up and answer the question, then go away. P.P.S. If anyone mentions tinfoil I'm reporting you.
  10. E

    if the world turned to a zombie Apocalypse scenario would cell phone

    satellites gps still work do u think? well i just mean for gps thats not hooked up to cell towers i believe and i dont think you have to pay for it so u could still use as maps sorry i was just watching this walking dead show and you know how zombie movies are they get you thinking
  11. P

    What is the most common awkward greeting scenario you encounter?

    With all the handshake/hug/kiss combos, sh**'s bound to happen. For me, I usually delay or completely miss it when somebody goes for the fist pound after the shake.
  12. R

    Bold Predictions: Which scenario in the 2011 draft is more likely for the

    Washington Redskins? Top 10 pick, 10-20, or later 1st round pick? If Top 10 which is the more likely draft pick: AJ Green (WR), Julio Jones (WR), Jake Locker (QB), Andrew Luck (QB)? If Top 10-20 which is the more likely draft pick: Mark Ingram (RB), Johnathan Baldwin (WR), a FS, or MLB. If...
  13. N

    DC: Worst Case Scenario ? Opinions please?;_ylt=AsoIEhAGPWBJ7sc08KgD_Hbty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100607091854AARbuUx&show=7#profile-info-iy03l5aOaa Leading WHAT THE HELL IS THAT! *cries* I just freaking took him back and he goes and...what's the word for it..SCREWS HER! *sobs and falls into her seat*...
  14. A

    Cops?? scenario question really random, i need to know lol?

    Okay, a white male age 15 is jogging around the neighborhood. When suddenly he encounters some people he hates at school, and has fought before. The other party is a wannabe gang and there are 12(ages 14 to 17) of them they each have knifes and so does the 15 year old. One of the gang members...
  15. L

    Can you please help me with this health scenario?

    James is a healthy 35 year old man. His wife, molly, is 37. Their only option to have children is through an IVF program. Because Molly is over 35 they have also chosen to have their embyro tested for genetic diseases before implantation. The embryo is found to be free of genetic defects, but...
  16. L

    Can you please help me with this health scenario?

    James is a healthy 35 year old man. His wife, molly, is 37. Their only option to have children is through an IVF program. Because Molly is over 35 they have also chosen to have their embyro tested for genetic diseases before implantation. The embryo is found to be free of genetic defects, but...
  17. J

    Do you ever think of a silly scenario for a question on here that is so funny...?

    ...or the answers are so funny, that you decide to go out and try it for real?
  18. J

    Do you ever think of a silly scenario for a question on here that is so funny...?

    ...or the answers are so funny, that you decide to go out and try it for real?
  19. M

    baseball rules, in a scenario?

    hi i have a question about a rule in baseball cuz it happened in gym class. if you are on first base and you lead off, then the batter hits the ball and you run then the ball gets caught in the air, do you go back to first base safely automatically or can u get tagged by the baseman
  20. G

    Scenario: You're on a train in Europe and a strange hot broad rubs up against you.?

    If you are single this is a good thing and all the broads encourage you to nail her because it would be an adventerous thing to do. Ok Same scenario but you are the scum of the earth? So Ladies, explain to me how marriage is a good thing again?