
  1. D

    Does it make any other atheists mad that the documentaries about the pagan origins

    of Christ are fake? I already knew that the claims that Jesus's story was borrowed from Horus and Krishna were all crap because I study mythology for fun and this was never mentioned...anywhere. So that I already knew. But I had no idea that false documentaries even claim the story came from...
  2. S

    Judaism: What is the Jewish view toward atheists?

    One of the concepts that perturb me about Christianity and Islam (there are many things, but this is just one), is how atheists are viewed, and by extension, treated. The Bible even resorts to name calling by labeling them as fools. In my opinion, an omnibenevolent G-d would not call his...
  3. Z

    Can you atheists honestly prove that Christ was not ressurected when all the...

    ...evidence points in that direction? (The ball's in your court)
  4. T

    Why do most atheists profess to know Christ yet display a complete lack of

    Judeo-Christian principles? GNOSIS. Wiz- you just use your hands or some object to beat unruly slaves, and you pin down women of war even US forces in Iraq know how to do it and they are a secular country.
  5. S

    Atheists who have family members who are Christian...?

    Did you or do you feel separated from your family members as a result of your absence of belief in the existence of the particular god they believe in? How do you personally cope with that? I feel separated from most of my family except my brother, who clearly doesn't take his belief in God very...
  6. K

    POLL: Do you think Atheists are bad people?

    It might be a weird question, lol, but I'm curious on your thoughts about Atheists. Btw, I'm an Atheist :)
  7. G

    How did atheists and Christians get to Church before the GPS was created, did...

    ...they just listen for the bells? Or did they have to familiarize themselves with neighborhoods and learn how to read an atlas when visiting a church in another city.
  8. A

    Heard a juicy rumor regarding atheists. Is this true?

    Is it true "Mommas shouldn't let their babies grow up to atheists - due to the likely hood of them picking at old guitars and driving old trucks" if that is such a terrible thing. what SHOULD mommas let them be? Evertard- glad to hear from you, hope things are well for you and yours. Question...
  9. A

    Heard a juicy rumor regarding atheists. Is this true?

    Is it true "Mommas shouldn't let their babies grow up to atheists - due to the likely hood of them picking at old guitars and driving old trucks" if that is such a terrible thing. what SHOULD mommas let them be? Evertard- glad to hear from you, hope things are well for you and yours. Question...
  10. 2

    Christians, how do you reply to atheists who tell you that prayer is a waste of time?

    As a Christian, what do you think about prayer? What is your own experience in prayer? Has it been a waste of time for you? Or not? If so, why so. If not, why not? NOTE: Atheists, Hi...I expect it is nonsense to you because it doesn't exist for you. I put this...
  11. M

    Atheists friends can you riddle me this?

    Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. Albert Einstein. "Nothing is as it seems. Nor is it otherwise." Lankavatara Sutra There is no greater mystery than this; that being the reality we seek to gain reality. Sri Ramana Maharshi (December 30, 1879 – April 14, 1950)...
  12. A

    Atheists: As a Christian, do you realize I love you more than I do my

    Christian brethren? It's a loving thing to do to warn you day in and day out that the wrath of God is pouring out on this nation and that your only option is to OBEY, and NOW! I spend more time with you than I do with Christians. I care for you. Edgar - Explain Sodom & Gomorrah
  13. S

    Atheists: Do you know that I love you in the name of Jesus Christ The Lord?

    Repent and believe on Him.
  14. P

    If atheists think Judaism is what religion should be, why do atheists still eat pork?

    If atheists think Judaism is what religion should be, i.e. not forcing religion down people's throats unlike some other religions, why do atheists still eat pork?
  15. M

    Since the atheists here are so vehemently organized against religion, does...

    ...that mean atheism is a cult? lets look at the facts: We know that it has been declared a religion by the courts. Also it has the first church of atheism with real ordained ministers. Also churches of atheism in the UK are open for people to go to the atheist church on sundays. In this section...
  16. K

    Atheists: Do you see Mr. Rogers as the only example of a "good Christian"?

    I have noticed a growing love affair that atheists and various anti-Christians have had with Mr. Rogers and I'm wondering if he is the only professing Christian to be viewed as "good" by those of you who are either atheist or anti-Christian. If not, then can you name some other examples of...
  17. M

    Atheists friends can you riddle me this?

    Have apes to dance, To smell romance And cast their demons away? With virtuous hearts, Where minds impart New morns lift clearer every day. And with the fall of dusk Night does what night must, poets pens come out, some play. Who rue man's decline, To view natures design, And muse at cosmic...
  18. R

    Atheists: Some Christians say: don't read Bible if you don't want to be Christian?

    Cause the Bible is holy What do you think of what they say
  19. M

    Atheists can you riddle me this?

    Old Oaks grow tall To watch the world grow small. But when they fall Where will we be? And empires rise To watch the world grow small. But when they fall, Where will we be? I'll tell thee, I'll tell thee Living happily ever after Under the B----- gum tree.
  20. C

    Why is it that most christians are less educated than the atheists about "the Bible"?

    Why is it that most christians are less educated than the atheists about "the Bible"? What does that tell you?