
  1. M

    cans someone tell me where i can get pictures of teachers arguing with students?

    I need some pictures or videos or voice recording facts anything someone help plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  2. W

    Rhode island fires all 89 teachers fired due to poor grades is that the victory

    bell I hear ringing in my ear? In defence of the teachers it was a school full of immigrants and blacks cough cough so they were prob under very hard working conditions but hey its about time I read a story about lazy teachers getting whats coming to them poor kids...
  3. B

    Teachers: Do you ever talk to your students about?

    s3x? like one on one? Do you ask them who they're sleeping with? Are you in love with any of your students? do you hang out with them outside of school?
  4. Z

    Help i caught my mom choking hamsters in the teachers lounge?

    i think i might have a new fetish!
  5. R

    Teachers?? is this ok, or is it wrong? could she get in trouble?? also, what...

    ...are the rules on pda? hey :) anyways i am a junior in high school and am a female....i have known my chem teacher for a couple of years know and she has helped me a lot academic wise....she's super nice and kind; i kind of look up to her as a role model, someone who i'd strive to become...
  6. R

    Teachers?? is this ok, or is it wrong? could she get in trouble?? also, what...

    ...are the rules on pda? hey :) anyways i am a junior in high school and am a female....i have known my chem teacher for a couple of years know and she has helped me a lot academic wise....she's super nice and kind; i kind of look up to her as a role model, someone who i'd strive to become...
  7. R

    Teachers?? is this ok, or is it wrong? could she get in trouble?? also, what...

    ...are the rules on pda? hey :) anyways i am a junior in high school and am a female....i have known my chem teacher for a couple of years know and she has helped me a lot academic wise....she's super nice and kind; i kind of look up to her as a role model, someone who i'd strive to become...
  8. M

    Can teachers keep you after the last bell?

    Like, when the final bell has rung to say school has ended ? Today, the teacher decided since ONE student was being disruptive we had to stay for an extra 20 minutes. My school bus, which is my only way home cause my parents work - comes exactly five minutes after the bell, and only waits for...
  9. S

    Why do teachers laugh at me.?

    The teachers like to smirk and sometimes mean mug me. I am having a hard time at school. The vice principals wait for me during lunch time to get in the Cafeteria and then just stare and laugh at me the whole time period. Please explain why adults who are meant to help make me feel like nothing.
  10. A

    Why do teachers tell you to laugh at the bully when your getting bullied?

    When you get bullied, why do teachers tell you to laugh at him? to make him question you about whats funny? Because i think that the bully will bash the crap out of you 10% harder!
  11. C

    POLL: For MA students and teachers, why did you start training in martial arts?

    Whatever your art is, why did you decide to become a martial artist? Me? I want to gain confidence and learn self-defense. When I was a kid, I was fascinated with all the action movies I've watch like Mortal Combat. Plus, I'm athletic and I don't really enjoy computer games like my friends...
  12. M

    Teachers, has a student ever started their period in your class?

    What happened? What did you/she say? Was she embarrassed?
  13. B

    Do you think doctors, nurses, teachers, firefighters & police officers...

    ...should make as much as celebrities do? Certain actors/actresses and people in sports command astronmonically high salaries for the work that they do. Please don't get me wrong...while I think they ARE immensely talented, should they be making gazillions of dollars for entertaining us with...
  14. G

    Are teachers annoyed by the students wo do well but complain when they don't do...

    ...well enough? Like the students who don't get 100% on a test but are very hard on themselves and disappointed if they get one or two or more questions wrong. Do they annoy you?
  15. G

    Are teachers annoyed by the students wo do well but complain when they don't do...

    ...well enough? Like the students who don't get 100% on a test but are very hard on themselves and disappointed if they get one or two or more questions wrong. Do they annoy you?
  16. Y

    Do 14 y/I boy think their teachers are hot . . . . . . . . .?

    I am 14 and I was wondering if some other kids my age think that their female teachers are hot
  17. S

    Question for current or future teachers...?

    I have made many of powerpoints for people that have turned out very nice. These powerpoints do a variety of things such as teach lessons and simply reinforce points taught in lessons. I was thinking about making a variety of powerpoints (and even custom powerpoints) and sell them on a...
  18. N

    Do you think teachers develop crushes on their students but never act upon it?

    Well some do...
  19. S

    People who have private music lessons at home, how do your teachers dress?

    My flute teacher comes to my house for lessons and always wears jeans. I feel more comfortable with this than when my previous teacher used to dress formally, it makes me feel more like I can relax and concentrate on the music. How do your teachers dress and do you care? I'm not asking about...
  20. K

    how to Prank Teachers?

    how could a prank a teacher and not get in a lot of trouble (is there anything please tell :D)