
  1. A

    do you think its a good idea to argue with religious teachers?

    especially, if they are teaching a lousy cr@p belief in the classroom, that just cloud the minds of my classmates that knows less than i do?
  2. G

    Should we allow Minnesota Teachers to have an annual professional conference?

    What a stupid-ass question. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  3. H

    How can I explain to my class and teachers that Atheism is NOT a religion?

    We got into the disscussion of atheism today in Geography. Everyone except me says that atheism is a religion, but they are wrong, I know this. Here are some of their reasons: Teacher said: its called philosophy. Students said: Techincally its a religion because the US classifys it as a...
  4. G

    Teachers, Parents, Students, Everyone: Support the GOOD GUYS in the TX School Board

    Click here, give them money. Read the comments on this post... More...
  5. G

    Evolutionist recommends intimidating teachers and students who do not fall in line wi

    That's me! The article opens by acknowledging that 66 percent of Americans believe creationism is definitely or probably true from a recent poll. Yet the article turns to biological anthropologist Greg Laden for how to squelch the opposing viewpoint to evolutionism. And so on and so forth...
  6. G

    Teachers Under Fire!!!

    It is very common, across the U.S., for science teachers to dread the "evolution" unit that they teach during life science class. As they approach the day, and start to prepare the students for what is coming, they begin to hear the sarcastic remarks from the creationist students. When the...
  7. A

    write an essay which will be read by middle school english teachers in which

    you argues that lessing's through? i need a position and three reasons not the entire essay..THANKS:)
  8. G

    Teachers Gone Wild

    My wife, a biology teacher, gets crazy in the biology classroom. She is famous for her interpretive dance renditions of numerous cellular processes. The students in the first class of the day reportedly stare in disbelief and roll their eyes, but the students in the other classes throughout...
  9. W

    name of movie where the teachers is possessed by creatures that need a lot of water?

    it is about a group of students that notice there teachers are acting weird, and find out they have some sort of parasite in there bodies. I thought it was called faculty lounge, but my searches show up nothing about the movie.
  10. C

    Teachers, How do you feel about parents taking their kids out of school...

    Where can I buy the cheap and good quality M3i Zero card for Nintendo DSi? How about www.m3i-zero-r4dsi.com?
  11. G

    Is Blood Ever Blue? Science Teachers Want to Know!

    According to one of the leading experts on the human circulatory system, blood flowing through veins is blue. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  12. G

    How can science teachers use blogs?

    Blogs and schools often don't mix. Many blogs are free ranging entities untethered to an institutional or editorial framework. In public discussions of Scienceblogs.com, the fact that every blogger is editorially independent of each other and of the hosting organization, Seed Media Group, is...
  13. E

    Why is it that popular prophecy teachers can't read and understand the

    book of Revelation? I was watching "Daystar" and Marcus Lamb and John Hagee where talking about the 144,000 Israelites. Revelation chapter 7. They said something to the effect of " 144,000 Jews will be left behind to evangelize after the church leaves the earth". Anyone who's read and...
  14. T

    Big Bend Teachers To Get Latest Technology, Training To Help Them Meet Florida's New

    Science teachers at a number of schools in Florida's Big Bend region will receive iPads, SMART Boards and other technology to help them meet the state's new educational standards for science - and The Florida State University will play a key role in training those teachers in methods for...
  15. M

    Why are teachers always complaining about being underpaid?

    They only work about eight months out of the year (summers off and major holidays) and many other days the teachers and students get out early but it counts as a full day. And many barely work eight hours a day on normal days. And studies have shown teachers don't spend much more time working...
  16. S

    In 1980, did private school boys still refer to their teachers as 'master'?

    For example the 'physics master' or the 'english master' instead of teacher?
  17. G

    Why do prophecy teachers view the United States as a wet TV ?

    Such as David Wilkerson, William Branham, Brother Stair, Dumitru Dudiman, etc. They think God will punish America when other nations are sinful too.
  18. M

    Teachers: Do you like the funny kids in your class?

    haha im not sure (: im Smart and Funny (: I pay attention in class but when were on free time i joke around with teachers an i probaly make there day(: im wondering if teachers like the funny,smart,nice students?(:
  19. K

    have anyone taken this class teachers schools and society a brief introduction

    to education? have anyone taken this class teachers schools and society a brief introduction to education
  20. G

    Should they introduce affirmative action to bring in more male teachers?

    Only 25% of teachers are men, and they are a very important role models for young boys. http://educationalissues.suite101.com/article.cfm/nea__todays_teacher_issues