
  1. U

    Why do teachers make a big deal about PDA?

    Me an my boyfriend were just standing close together our arms were on our bodies and not each other and the teacher tells us to stop making out. Then when my boyfriend leaves she says "thank you for escorting her to class I don't think she would've found it without you" in the most sarcastic...
  2. E

    Do teachers gossip about their students?

    I told a teachers a personal problem and found out that she told another teacher about it.. I was just wondering how often teachers discuss individual students and for what reasons? Do teachers enjoy making fun of their students and talking about them in a bad way? I'm a sophomore in high...
  3. A

    Body Positive Fitness: How To Find Classes & Teachers That Build You Up, Not Bully

    Body Positive Fitness: How To Find Classes & Teachers That Build You Up, Not Bully Many fitness instructors*push the idea of exercise as competition, punishment or penance. But a body positive fitness class will focus on how you feel over how you look and help you find positive motivations for...
  4. E

    Can teachers who teach online classes tell when you used the internet to look...

    ...for answers to an online quiz? I'm taking an online class and the teacher stated in the quiz directions "No textbook or other resources are to be used." Can she tell if I used the internet to look up answers to the quiz? If I use a different browser, like if I'm using internet explorer but I...
  5. E

    do any real authentic kung fu teachers exist?

    i honestly want to learn the traditional loved and beautiful ways of the old kung fu masters,not tainted by money and deluted by having taught thousands already before me.i am one of those who truly wants to learn it as it was made to be taught.the culture,philosophy,everything about it i cant...
  6. S

    Is it legal in primary school for teachers to keep you in after last bell?

    my teacher keeps me in for not finishing work on time and i have to do it after school time im pretty sure its illegal for that so can someone please tell me
  7. S

    Can I greet the Teachers?

    Thanks for your invaluable help. I love you all!
  8. T

    Students And Teachers Benefit From Testing As It Promotes Long-Term Learning

    Pop quiz! Tests are good for: (a) Assessing what you've learned; (b) Learning new information; (c) a & b; (d) None of the above. The correct answer? According to research from psychological science, it's both (a) and (b) - while testing can be useful as an assessment tool, the actual process of...
  9. S

    Is it bad that my childs Daycare teachers often greet him in the morning

    with,"hello grumpy?"? This has happened numerous time. And it really upsets me. I recently wrote to the centre about it. However a teacher I spoke to prior to the letter said that it was just lighthearted and shouldn't be taken seriously. She said I shouldn't be upset about it at all. I feel...
  10. C

    How many of the people on here who complain nonstop about bad teachers...

    ...have ever actually tried it? It seems to me a lot of people here think most teachers are terrible, that it's an easy job, and they're overpaid. So how many of those people actually do it themselves? You could have an easy job, get paid more than you're worth, and maybe give out a quality...
  11. A

    ADD Is Over-Diagnosed…And A Convenient ‘Out’ For Lazy Parents And Teachers

    I'm starting to wonder if it's possible for doctors, teachers and parents to diagnose kids with anything other than Attention Deficit Disorder? According to a new study, the rate that kids are diagnosed continues to increase by 5.5% each year, but are there really that many more kids with ADD...
  12. T

    Emotional Behaviors In Teachers Improved By Meditation

    Schoolteachers who underwent a short but intensive program of meditation were less depressed, anxious or stressed - and more compassionate and aware of others' feelings, according to a UCSF-led study that blended ancient meditation practices with the most current scientific methods for...
  13. B

    What do you suppose really goes on in the teachers' lounge between classes?

    Most imaginative answer gets the points.
  14. J

    Can teachers go on vacations during school?

    I mean not doing holidays or breaks from school.
  15. T

    Conflicting Views Of A Child's Behavior Problems From Parents, Teachers, And The Chil

    Clinicians often face the challenge of trying to make sense of conflicting reports from parents, teachers, and children about a child's behavioral problems. However, a better understanding of the source and nature of these disagreements may provide important information that could improve...
  16. G

    For Teachers and About Teachers (and Penguins)

    My latest contribution to 10,000 Birds blog is a write up of some very interesting research that addresses the evolutionary history of the Penguin Tuxedo. Check it out. This post also has a handy-dandy downloadable PDF version of itself suitable for use in the classoom. Also, if you haven't...
  17. G

    Back to school: Books for teachers and administrators

    Here are a few books that those in the education biz should have on hand. If you are a parent with a kid in school, consider giving a copy of one or more of these books to your school's life science teacher and a key administrator or two. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on...
  18. G

    In support of biology teachers ...

    A few essays. You are not alone. These are previously posted items, just follow the links to read them in their entirety. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  19. G

    Teachers, you may find some of these videos useful.

    And if you have your own favorites, please add links to them in the comments. Below the fold to not crash your flash. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  20. G

    Life Science and Earth Science Teachers: A few books for your classroom

    I like to pass books about science on to the teachers in my daughter's school for them to have in the classroom (or to pass on to the library, as they wish). Now that you've heard this idea, you will want to do it to! Here's a few suggestions of recent titles that could be available used...