
  1. A

    Jada Pinkett Either Hates Or Loves Beyonce’s Body, Not Sure Which

    I’m not one to throw my money around willy-nilly, but I will give you one hundred dollars if you can make heads or tails of this nonsense rant that Jada Pinkett-Smith went on about Beyonce‘s body and the raw sexuality and power inherent within said body. I’m typically pretty good at de-garbling...
  2. A

    Victoria’s Secret Angel Lily Aldridge Says She Hates Photoshop

    According to Victoria’s Secret Angel Lily Aldridge, Photoshop can actually take away from the picture; instead of enhancing it, over-editing winds up removing what makes people interesting, unique and lovely. More » Victoria’s Secret Angel Lily Aldridge Says She Hates Photoshop is a post from...
  3. V

    Are the Spurs Boring? Why Everyone Hates San Antonio

    [No message]
  4. N

    Who hates Psy's Gangnam Style?

    Hate it so much I'd kill it or I would buy it and actually throw it in the computers rubbish bin and delete it forever. But... Psy's a good man I guess. He speaks English like a pro
  5. A

    My guinea pig kinda hates me :(?

    I've had them for nearly four years But I think I made a big mistake I left them outside in a hutch outside when it was the nice weather (meaning that i kinda lost like socialising time) but when it was the bad weather I kept them in, anyways I try to get him to like me but no al try to give...
  6. C

    I think my mma coach hates me .?

    I have 3 coaches two are very good to me they say your improving if im hitting good on pads or getting a move down their like very good they offer helpfull tips improvments say im ready to compete etc i have competed under one them and i won in kickboxing match an he congradulated me.and was...
  7. M

    Why say God hates Gays and Lesbians?

    So I have normaly stayed well away from this topic, but due to recent events in the UK and the reactions of some religious groupes I thought I would ask this: Acording to the good book, which was witten by men and so can not be the word of god, we are created in Gods Image, it is a well know...
  8. M

    Why say God hates Gays and Lesbians?

    So I have normaly stayed well away from this topic, but due to recent events in the UK and the reactions of some religious groupes I thought I would ask this: Acording to the good book, which was witten by men and so can not be the word of god, we are created in Gods Image, it is a well know...
  9. N

    A guy I'm into hates PDA? Guys and girls answer please?

    I understand that some people don't like making out in a public hallway. But even if we're just saying hello or goodbye, for reason he hates even giving me a peck? We've been going on dates and hanging out, and we've gone far enough when we're alone. He says he doesn't care if people know we're...
  10. December

    Westboro hates Judaism?

    The Jews worship the same God as us and Jesus WAS a jew because he is the son of God. When Jesus was hanged on the cross, yada yada, and he rised from the dead, didn't he forgive? Well anyways - Why would the Westboro hate Jewish people? Are they saying it's a sin to worship God? Wouldn't that...
  11. Y

    Am I the only one who hates Vocaloid?

    Yeah........................ I hate their voices
  12. A

    Chick-Fil-A No Longer Hates Gay People…Will You Eat There Now?

    Ever since Chick-fil-A's president, Dan Cathy, uttered the now infamous "guilty as charged" statement over his anti-gay marriage stance, the fast-food chain has been paying a hefty price. Brand approval ratings have plummeted and the nation remains divided on whether to boycott or continue...
  13. C

    Everyone and I mean everyone I speak to hates Obama and yet the polls show

    that he is ahead in this race.? I click on this site and I see that almost everyone (not all) are against Obama and yet the polls show him ahead. What's going on? Are the polls fixed? I wouldn't be surprised!
  14. A

    My girlfriend hates PDA.. please help?

    My girlfriend doesn't like PDA at all. Anytime I try to hold her hand in public, she swats my hand away and says, "Don't." Yesterday, we were at the mall and I tried kissing her on the cheek and she told me to "stop embarrassing her." We're in college. It's not like I go overboard with PDA...
  15. I

    South Park hates Family Guy because of gag humor? What is that?

    I know what cutaways are, but South Park says Family Guy has bad writers because of their overuse of gags? They said characters say random jokes that don't makes sense? Are they talking about the cutaways and how they make no sense with the story? I tried searching gag humor but couldnt find much...
  16. C

    Mom hates the music I listen to?

    So I will listen to bands like Hollywood Undead and she didn't know I listened to them until I started wearing one of their shirts. So she goes off on me saying this band is twisted and morbid because it drops the f bomb and it cusses like every other band out there and she says if I don't...
  17. P

    My boyfriend HATES PDA. He won't even hold my hand?

    I know some guys hate PDA but all I want to do sometimes is hold his hand, hug him, or kiss him on the cheek. Whenever I try to do something like that he just does it really quick and then lets go or moves away from me. It makes me feel unwanted. When we're alone, he's all over me but in...
  18. B

    whoever hates it hates and if you dont then i guess you dont lol?

    this crowd will not be able to budge me you can hold a grudge to me sit there and try to judge me i show no forgivness no matter the chocalates or fudge sent to me i am not the one to go and change ... to catch someones eye or get any of this fame i tell you twice i will not change like a woman...
  19. S

    My chinchilla hates her new cage?

    Hi, today i just bought my chinchilla a new cage. I know it takes about a day or two to get settled in. But today i'm noticing shes flipping her little dome upside down. Messing the shavings in the bottom. Shes gone nuts!! Does anyone know if she hates her cage or not. Thanks
  20. A

    I hope I'm not the only person in the world who hates gossiping?

    I hope I'm not the only person in the world who hates gossiping there are more important things to talk about, chatting shit about other people is just stupid