Why say God hates Gays and Lesbians?


Active member
May 11, 2008
So I have normaly stayed well away from this topic, but due to recent events in the UK and the reactions of some religious groupes I thought I would ask this:

Acording to the good book, which was witten by men and so can not be the word of god, we are created in Gods Image, it is a well know fact that god is Everything, he/she made everything so how can people say being gay or a lesbian is an act agienst god instead of just admiting you yourself are just uncomfortable with folks that swing that way.

I can imagin some folks will point the finger and say that is the devils work! Well to that I would point out that god created the morning star, and allowed his fall, and allowed the devil to think up all the bad things in the world, which actually god thought up first, and in fact the devil is nothing but an excuse for people to blame everything they dislike or disagree with on because facing the truth that their god is infact respounciable for all the things they hate, fear or dread is something which is daunghting.

So the actual question, why do you hide behind god instead of just admiting to yourself and everyone else, that you just don't like gays and lesbians because you were raised that way, or had a unpleasent expirence at one point in your life?
Have you at all observed the rest of nature?

The flowers, the bees, the other animals on earth? Funnily enough, they follow the male female law as well? EVERYTHING on earth is having sex...and it ain't gay sex...anything you can think of...follows male/female. THAT MEANS THAT LIFE(god) CREATED MALE FEMALE INTENTIONALLY...and that's the way it was intended to be!

Except for humans...but humans also purposely inhale smoke! (which no other animal or living thing on earth does) The human mind...is a PROBLEM.
The "good book" was written by humans, you say this yourself. Do you think it is possible this book was written without the interference of any divine being? hmmmm, interesting. Homosexuality is a sin in the "good book", that is why all of the little followers get their panties in a bunch on the subject. Bad things are supposedly sins, but for some reason we find slavery isn't a sin. Might this be because the bible promotes slavery? What kind of divine word is this? It was written 2,000 years ago afterall... hmmmm