I think my mma coach hates me .?


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I have 3 coaches two are very good to me they say your improving if im hitting good on pads or getting a move down their like very good they offer helpfull tips improvments say im ready to compete etc i have competed under one them and i won in kickboxing match an he congradulated me.and was great trainer. but this other coach im convinced hates me he constantly shouts out advise to my sparring partners wether i have upper hand or their destroying me.he never compliments me or says try this or that.he always says im not ready to compete never offers pointers or advise. he has these 3 guys their great guys but he shows them all this favortissem always helpen them maken jokes etc and talken them up to be gods gift while im in the corner strugglen for knowledge techniques etc and tips hes with some1 else.he makes a cross face if im getting a good postion over someone and shrugs his soulders. he screams at me if i make mistake like im a dog.i trained with him for two years and my other coaches.i trained with the other two my coaches his brothers for year and they have always been great to me.i returned to the guy i belive who hates me and he was all welcomen and as soon as tranen started it was the same shit again.i have always been nice to him and every one in the gym.when i wasnt tranen for him for year he used say to my brother get ur bro back traning with me this would be in nightclub my bros would just be hangen out he dosent even know him.he always cracks jokes at my expense maken me out to be idiot .and spars way harder with me then anyone else and hes world champion ickboxer he hits me full force for 10 minutes and outclasses me.everyones always like why was he goin so hard.hes so more advanced then me and could really help me an he dosent he spends so much time with everybody else and just ignores me.im never late always pay always show respect clean up the gym.id say out maybe 20 people in his class im in the middle in terms skill. taughts question opinions welcome
seems likely, its not just mma this happens in, it happens everywhere like school, jobs and mma in youre case but in all honestly this problem is something you cant fix most likely but i would suggest train even harder and one day when you spar him beat him or atleast show him how hard you trained if you do this it might gain some respect, gl with the problem bro!