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    Natural High: Plant-Based Drugs You’ve Never Heard Of

    Before bath salts and Breaking Bad, there were plant-based hallucinogens, and they weren't used as a cure for boredom: Many of them were (and still are) used to achieve a natural high in the pursuit of religion. More »Post from: Blisstree
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    Photosensitizing Antihypertensive Drugs May Increase Risk Of Lip Cancer

    Long-term use of commonly used blood pressure medications that increase sensitivity to sunlight is associated with an increased risk of lip cancer in non-Hispanic whites, according to a Kaiser Permanente study that appears in the current online issue of Archives of Internal Medicine. Funded by...
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    Alcohol Could Intensify The Effects Of Some Drugs In The Body

    According to scientists, there is yet another reason to avoid drinking alcohol while taking certain medicines, besides the known consequences such as possible liver damage, stomach bleeding, and other side effects. Their laboratory experiments were reported in American Chemical Society's (ACS)...
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    Matching Cancer Drugs With Gene Targets

    A new study details how a suite of web-based tools provides the research community with greatly improved capacity to compare data derived from large collections of genomic information against thousands of drugs. By comparing drugs and genetic targets, researchers can more easily identify...
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    Generic Drugs Key To US Overseas HIV Relief

    The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPfAR) began in 2003 with good intentions, but it was not until the U.S. government's massive overseas public health campaign adopted generic drugs that it became a success, according to a new article by Brown University researchers in the July...
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    Clot-Busting Drugs Delivered Directly To Obstructed Blood Vessels By Novel Nanotherap

    Researchers at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University have developed a novel biomimetic strategy that delivers life-saving nanotherapeutics directly to obstructed blood vessels, dissolving blood clots before they cause serious damage or even death. This...
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    Gestational Diabetes Risk Associated With Antipsychotic Drugs During Pregnancy

    Women who take antipsychotic drugs during pregnancy are more likely to develop gestational diabetes, say researchers. The study, conducted by Robert Bodén. M.D., Ph.D., of the Centre for Pharmacoepidemiology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, and Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, and...
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    Help with speech against alcohol, smoking and drugs?

    can someone please give me a speech against alcohol, smoking, and drugs, their ill effects? Thank you in advance! :)
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    Potential New Therapeutic Target For Cancer Drugs

    Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have uncovered a new signal transduction pathway specifically devoted to the regulation of alternative RNA splicing, a process that allows a single gene to produce or code multiple types of protein variants. The discovery...
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    Quirky Fruit Fly Gene Could Point Way To New Cancer Drugs

    Loyola researchers are taking advantage of a quirk in the evolution of fruit fly genes to help develop new weapons against cancer. A newly discovered fruit fly gene is a simplified counterpart of two complex human genes that play important roles in the development of cancer and some birth...
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    Comparison Study Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Drugs Abatacept And Adalimumab

    Data from one of the few head-to-head trials in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) presented at EULAR 2012, the Annual Congress of the European League Against Rheumatism, demonstrates that at one year, 64.8% of patients receiving abatacept (Orencia) and 63.4% of patients receiving adalimumab (Humira)...
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    Jet Device Injects Drugs Without Needles

    The prospect of less painful medicine shots without needles came a step closer this month, as US researchers revealed how they have developed a device that delivers a controlled, tiny, high-pressure jet into the skin without using a hyperdermic needle. While there are already several...
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    Fake, Poor Quality Malaria Drugs Threaten Progress

    Up to 42% of anti-malaria drugs available across Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are poor quality or fake, resulting in drug resistance and inadequate treatment that threatens vulnerable populations and to undermine the huge progress made in recent years, according to a new study...
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    Study Confirms That Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll Really Do Go Together [Science]

    How many times did you hear your parents yell at you to "turn down that racket" as you blasted songs from your speakers? Turns out, they had a few reasons—a new study has found that kids that spend a lot of time listening to loud music are more likely to smoke weed, binge drink, and have...
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    Potential New Drugs For Fox Tapeworm Infection In Humans

    Scientists are reporting development and testing of a new series of drugs that could finally stop the fox tapeworm - which causes a rare but life-threatening disease in humans - dead in its tracks. The report, which appears in ACS' Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, shows that specific...
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    Faces of Meth™: Good Argument Against Drugs, Great Proof That Genes Aren’t Everything

    It's not hard to prove that meth is a bad idea, but the Faces of Meth™*photos from Oregon's Multnomah County Sheriff department definitely help the case. They're also one of the most convincing arguments I've ever seen for the idea that we aren't doomed to whatever our genes have in store for...
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    Natural Does Not Equal Safe: The Risks Of Mixing Drugs And Herbal Supplements

    Herbal, dietary, and energy or nutritional supplements may offer specific health benefits, but they can also have harmful and even life-threatening effects when combined with commonly used medications. Clinicians need to be aware of and educate their patients about the potential risks of mixing...
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    PTSD Symptoms May Be Relieved By Some Blood Pressure Drugs

    Traumatized people who take a class of common blood pressure medications tend to have less severe post-traumatic stress symptoms, researchers have found. The finding suggests that ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors or ARBs (angiotensin receptor blockers) could be valuable tools for...
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    Designing New Generation Anti-Cancer Drugs

    Researchers from the Research Programme in Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) from the IMIM (Hospital del Mar Research Institute) and the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) have identified 115 proteins in silico (via computer simulation) that could be highly relevant to treat colon-rectal cancer, since...
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    Grandparents Commonly Don't Hide Their Drugs From Kids Properly

    According to The University of Michigan Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health, nearly 1 in 4 grandparents keep prescription medications in places children can easily access. Each year, more young children visit the emergency room for unintentional medication poisonings...