
  1. S

    Cheapest 8/mg Suboxone Strips

    Need help locating these, if anyone knows where i can get some, let me know!!
  2. M

    Rumors at work say I'm on drugs but i'm not!! What do i do?

    I work in a small company. This is the second time I've heard this and its not true. I don't do drugs. Mgmt is a big force behind this rumor. Hurts my feelings so bad. What should I do? It affects me at work
  3. C

    Are There Steroid Enhancing Drugs In Sports-bike Or Motocross Racing ?

    Hate to think I was whooped by some whooped-out rider whoopng it up on drugs. Makes me want to do the whoopies both ways, just to see. Does Power-Ade count?
  4. T

    Researchers Are Working Towards The Development Of Photo-Sensitive Drugs

    The scientific cooperation between chemists, biotechnologists and physicists from various Catalan institutes, headed by Pau Gorostiza, from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), and Ernest Giralt, from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), has led to a...
  5. A

    10 (Strangely?) Controversial Things I Believe About Sex, Drugs & Health

    In the course of my past two years covering health and wellness issues for Blisstree, I've often been surprised by what draws vitriol and what doesn't. Time and again—be it with my own or my co-writers' posts—the ones I fear may stir anger never do; and those I'd never have suspected provoke...
  6. D

    Is it true that harry styles from one direction do drugs ?

    i just heard it , i don't know
  7. J

    Smuggling drugs through a cruise ship?

    im considering a career in border patrol and i am aware they sieze plenty of drugs people try to smuggle over the border of mexico in thier cars and private boats. but i was thinking what if someone took a cruise to mexico, filled up his suitcase with drugs and took the ship back to the states...
  8. T

    Valuable Alternative To Animal Models Predicts Reactions To Novel Drugs And Cosmetics

    A simple lab-based skin test which eliminates the risk of adverse reactions to new drugs, cosmetics and household chemicals has been developed by a Newcastle University, UK team. It uses real human skin and immune cells to show any reaction such as a rash or blistering indicating a wider immune...
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    Novel Target For Developing Drugs That Block The Induction Of Tinnitus

    An epilepsy drug shows promise in an animal model at preventing tinnitus from developing after exposure to loud noise, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The findings, reported this week in the early online version of the Proceedings of...
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    Genes That Control Whether Tumors Adapt Or Die When Faced With P53 Activating Drugs

    When turned on, the gene p53 turns off cancer. However, when existing drugs boost p53, only a few tumors die - the rest resist the challenge. A study published in the journal Cell Reports shows how: tumors that live even in the face of p53 reactivation create more of the protein p21 than the...
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    Targeting Cell 'Powerhouses' To Overcome Resistance To Anti-Cancer Drugs

    Re-routing anti-cancer drugs to the "power plants" that make energy to keep cells alive is a promising but long-neglected approach to preventing emergence of the drug-resistant forms of cancer - source of a serious medical problem, scientists are reporting. That's the conclusion of a new study...
  12. T

    Class Of Drugs Discovered That Could Lead To The Development Of A Silver Bullet For C

    Researchers at USC have found that a class of pharmaceuticals can both prevent and treat Alzheimer's Disease in mice. The drugs, known as "TSPO ligands," are currently used for certain types of neuroimaging. "We looked at the effects of TSPO ligand in young adult mice when pathology was at an...
  13. A

    Amidst Counterfeit Epidemic, Buying Drugs Online Is A Sometimes Necessary Risk

    Buying drugs online is risky, because there are many counterfeits out there. But, if you really need to do it, a little research can reduce your odds of getting ripped off or harming yourself. More » Amidst Counterfeit Epidemic, Buying Drugs Online Is A Sometimes Necessary Risk is a post from...
  14. E

    Does your Religion allow use of Drugs to help seek a higher meaning to Life?

    Little wonder, then, that UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said: “Drugs are tearing apart our societies, spawning crime, spreading diseases such as AIDS, and killing our youth and our future.” Often, people involved with drugs are responsible for crimes such as drug trafficking and drug-related...
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    Promise Of New Drugs, Electronic Devices Offered By GUMBOS Technology

    Mention a breakthrough involving "gumbo" technology in this city, and people think of a new twist on The Local Dish, the stew that's the quintessence of southern Louisiana cooking. But scientific presentations at a meeting of the world's largest scientific society werefocusing on what may be an...
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    Potential For New Drugs To Treat Gout

    Findings from a Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine study could lead to the development of new drugs to treat gout. The study, led by Liang Qiao, MD, and his colleagues and collaborators, was published in the journal Nature Communications. Gout is caused by a buildup of uric...
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    Some Diabetes Drugs Linked To Pancreatitis Risk

    Diabetes patients who take the newest class of diabetes drugs have double the risk of being hospitalized with acute pancreatitis, researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, reported in JAMA Internal Medicine. The authors explained that the new forms of...
  18. D

    sydney policeman owned a RM 100rm suzuki as a boy dealt drugs to buy mark quirk

    stole it for herion ICAC? The police force has to shape up and have no friend out as there killing kids in australia the ICAC must have a commision to find the truth about knew recruits no favours given homo's or not stop ICAC .ICE estacy crack rip to pieces all bikers with patches including big...
  19. H

    Why is it cool for musicians to do drugs but not movie stars?

    It seems like most musicians, especially rappers, do drugs and party all the time and brag about it in their music and such, how come movie stars and people in the movie business seem to live less exciting lives and get criticized for partying a lot? (ex. Lindsay Lohan)
  20. A

    FDA Postpones Approval Of Novo Nordisk Diabetes Drugs; Reports Focus On Stocks, Not H

    Novo Nordisk is the star of today's health news right now, because the Food and Drug Administration didn't approve two of their new diabetes drugs as expected. But practically all headlines and articles are focused on one thing: What this means for the value of Novo Nordisk shares. Am I crazy...