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    Drugs Can Turn Repulsive Feelings Into Desires

    Hunger, thirst, stress and drugs can create a change in the brain that transforms a repulsive feeling into a strong positive "wanting," a new University of Michigan study indicates. The research used salt appetite to show how powerful natural mechanisms of brain desires can instantly transform a...
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    Landmark Study Shows Low-Quality TB Drugs Widely Used In 17 Countries

    Nearly 1 in 10 Failure Rate Could Accelerate Spread of Drug Resistance In the largest ever study of its kind, new research shows that substandard and falsified tuberculosis medicines are widely used and likely contribute to the rise in drug-resistant strains of the disease. Researchers tested...
  3. G

    What are some legal drugs that make you laugh?

    im just curious
  4. A

    Is riding a bike so boring that you have to take drugs?

    I used to ride a bike until I was sixteen and was old enough to have a scooter. When I was eighteen I had a car, shared. Is it like camping where you only do it until you can afford something better? Or is it that males don't grow up any more until they're dead?
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    Animals on Drugs, Chuck Berry on Keith Richards, and Israel: Home to the World's Best

    Evil Dead—the Red Band Trailer More »
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    Forbidden Fruit: Grapefruit And Drugs Can Be A Deadly Combination, Says Study

    Grapefruit juice fits squarely in the category of "health food," so it might surprise you to know that a new study says grapefruit can cause seriously unhealthy side effects–including sudden death, hallucinations, acute kidney failure, muscle damage, respiratory failure, gastrointestinal...
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    NPR Tries Le Whif Breathable Chocolate, Or: What NPR Would Look Like Doing Drugs

    If NPR staffers did drugs at work, it might look something like this... More » NPR Tries Le Whif Breathable Chocolate, Or: What NPR Would Look Like Doing Drugs is a post from Blisstree - Nutrition, Healthy Recipes and Fitness.
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    Fast Tracking The Search For Alzheimer's Drugs

    An efficient, high-volume technique for testing potential drug treatments for Alzheimer's disease uncovered an organic compound that restored motor function and longevity to fruit flies with the disease, according to new research that could help put the search for an effective Alzheimer's drug...
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    ADHD Drugs Do Not Raise Heart Risk In Children

    Children who take Adderall, Ritalin, and other central nervous system stimulants, do not have a higher chance of developing serious heart conditions. This finding, confirming research from 2011, came from a study at the University of Florida and was published in the British Medical Journal. The...
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    More Effective Drugs With Fewer Side Effects Likely With Development Of Synthetic Liv

    Medicines could be made to have fewer side effects and work in smaller doses with the help of a new technique that makes drug molecules more resistant to breakdown by the human liver. Researchers based at Princeton University reported in the journal Science that they created a synthetic enzyme...
  11. J

    Is it true that Floyd Sr just serve 2 years for selling drugs ?

    isnt it a bit " light " for something so serious as destroying lives ?
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    Discovery Of New Biological Pathway May Aid In The Redesign Of Certain Diabetes Drugs

    Many drugs work by "fixing" a particular biological pathway that's gone awry in a disease. But sometimes drugs affect other pathways too, producing undesirable side effects that can be severe enough to outweigh the drug's benefits. Such is the case for the thiazolidinedione drugs (also known as...
  13. K

    What are some good books about 20 something's going on vacation drugs and love?

    Going to the dominican republic and need a good read. Would really appreciate it!
  14. E

    What drugs was the person who made this music video using?

    The guy who made FTM's "The Dance of the Manatee" was obviously high. I was just wondering what kind of drugs he used and why anyone would let a junkie into the production studio?
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    Dietary Supplements, Weight Loss Drugs Are Lying Liars Full Of Lies, Report Finds

    It is a fact: There is no scammier aisle of a drug store than the one that sells weight loss supplements. Labeled with hopeful promises about pounds lost, fat burned, and appetites suppressed, most consumers know to be skeptical of diet pills. But according to a new report by the Department of...
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    172K Mutation Breaks HIV's Resistance To Drugs, Says MU Researcher

    The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can contain dozens of different mutations, called polymorphisms. In a recent study an international team of researchers, including University of Missouri scientists, found that one of those mutations, called 172K, made certain forms of the virus more...
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    Under-Twisted DNA Origami Delivers Cancer Drugs To Tumors

    Scientists at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden describe in a new study how so-called DNA origami can enhance the effect of certain cytostatics used in the treatment of cancer. With the aid of modern nanotechnology, scientists can target drugs direct to the tumour while leaving surrounding healthy...
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    Antidepressants, Sleeping Pills And Anxiety Drugs May Increase Driving Risk

    Drugs prescribed to treat anxiety, depression and insomnia may increase patients' risk of being involved in motor vehicle accidents, according to a recent study, published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Based on the findings, the researchers suggested doctors should consider...
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    Cheapest buy Baclofen canada drugs, canadian cheap Baclofen 10mg online in australia

    Buy Lioresal === BUY ONLINE === Buy Baclofen Click price below and you will be redirected to our pharmacy. Tags: where to buy generic Lioresal walmart price canadian pharmacy Baclofen buy online cheap generic...
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    Metabolism Of Certain Drugs Varies Between Genders And May Be Reflected In Anti-HIV D

    Women comprise nearly half of the HIV-infected population worldwide, but these 15.5 million women tend to be under-represented in clinical trials of anti-HIV drug therapies. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has created a database from 40 clinical studies to assess gender differences...