
  1. E

    What are your opinions on chun kuk do karate for self defense?

    It it a good style for street fighting/self defense?
  2. D

    will arts such as drunken boxing,akido,kungfu, wing chun or krav maga be...

    ...successful in mma? im talking about the arts you kinda hear that are practiced in asian countriesl. like how do you think kung fu or drunken fist practictionars would do in mma? thanks and sorry for any type os my english issent the best. thank you
  3. W

    Northern shoalin kungfu or wing chun.?

    I have to chose one both have execlent instructors sorry for spelling. The sifu of wing chun was given the name by ip chun. And the northern shoalin sifu stuided the art in china for 20 years. Wich one should i take?
  4. A

    Wing chun, tai chi or muay Thai?

    I'm looking to start a Kung Fu style martial art. I want to be able to apply it out of just the sport (for eg a street fight). I am fast and fit and have a lot of options in my area. Any suggestions?
  5. A

    Wing chun, tai chi or muay Thai?

    I'm looking to start a Kung Fu style martial art. I want to be able to apply it out of just the sport (for eg a street fight). I am fast and fit and have a lot of options in my area. Any suggestions?
  6. A

    Wing chun, tai chi or muay Thai?

    I'm looking to start a Kung Fu style martial art. I want to be able to apply it out of just the sport (for eg a street fight). I am fast and fit and have a lot of options in my area. Any suggestions?
  7. A

    Wing chun, tai chi or muay Thai?

    I'm looking to start a Kung Fu style martial art. I want to be able to apply it out of just the sport (for eg a street fight). I am fast and fit and have a lot of options in my area. Any suggestions?
  8. E

    what styles of kungfu / martial art are similar to wing chun?

    Hey there Wing Chun is a Kung Fu style. I don't know of many styles similar to it, but the hand to hand technique movements in Wing Chun are quite similar to a martial art called Kali, and somewhat similar to Bakmei although not entirely. I'm saying hand movements, strikes etc nothing else...
  9. J

    Wing Chun or Dragon Style?

    Title says it all!!!!!
  10. J

    Wing Chun or Dragon Style?

    Title says it all!!!!!
  11. M

    do you want to meet Wu Chun in brunei?

    i do, since i'm bruneian, and some of my friends know here his house is! i wonder maybe you guys want to meet him too?
  12. A

    Is wing chun a practical martial art?

    I've been training in Wing Chun for about 6 months now and am enjoying it very much. I know that in 6 months pretty much no one is going to be good at a martial art, so that has nothing to do with my current doubt in the style. My sifu has been doing it for 40+ years and was the closed door...
  13. A

    Is wing chun a practical martial art?

    I've been training in Wing Chun for about 6 months now and am enjoying it very much. I know that in 6 months pretty much no one is going to be good at a martial art, so that has nothing to do with my current doubt in the style. My sifu has been doing it for 40+ years and was the closed door...
  14. H

    Does Black Tiger Karate Teach Wing Chun?

    Ma friend told me that they teach, kung fu, jujitsu, ninjustsu, wing chun, taekwondo, karate well........ do they?
  15. W

    whats the best wing chun training DVD?

    whats the best wing chun training DVD? is there a DVD set ( from beginner to masters)? i never have done any martial arts training(other then book workout training-wing chun)
  16. D

    One of my friends asked about the Rings used by Wing chun and Hung Gar....

    ...For his karate practice? This got me curious. I have no formal training in them at all but his idea seems sounds enough. The rings are used to strengthen and condition the arms and legs of the body. They appear safer then many of the conditioing methods employed by traditional karate...
  17. R

    Is there a Wing Chun martial arts academy in Madison WI?

    I have been looking at this one website but it seems that all the information I found leads to no where either wrong numbers or disconnected numbers. So I am just wondering if anyone knows. Thanks
  18. R

    Is there a Wing Chun martial arts academy in Madison WI?

    I have been looking at this one website but it seems that all the information I found leads to no where either wrong numbers or disconnected numbers. So I am just wondering if anyone knows. Thanks
  19. D

    wing chun in mma? what is this all about!?

    this question is for wing chun practioners. Ive watched a lot of videos on youtube with wing chun vs mma and to find any good wing chun on youtube is like finding a needle in a hay stack. Is it just me or does anyone else feel the same?
  20. G

    Is boxing and wing chun a good combination for self defence? Or would I be

    better off with MMA and Krav Maga? I want to be able to actually practise fighting under sports rules with say boxing or MMA or muay thai etc But I also want to learn a martial art that isn't limited by sport rules! Whats a good combination in your opinion?