Wing chun, tai chi or muay Thai?


Jun 4, 2008
I'm looking to start a Kung Fu style martial art. I want to be able to apply it out of just the sport (for eg a street fight). I am fast and fit and have a lot of options in my area. Any suggestions?
Be inform that, this is the kind of inquiry that you itself must answer.

Because, there is no other who knows your capability beyond anything else except you, the issue here is not about your own physical ability, things rely upon your willingness and determination to learn, so that you may achieve your main aim, objectives, goal and purposes.

Think so many times and ask yourself if what you like most that can satisfy and make yourself comfortable with, the most efficient way is by visiting some legit dojo, if there are available in your area then go on and observe, ask some important and necessary questions to the assigned instructor related to your concern, maybe through that effort you can decide and push things if what's favor you most pleasingly.

Good luck

Well if you want to look at kung fu in the true sense of the word, it just means "ability". In another abstract sense it can be used to refer to a fighting system or "fist way". So Muay Thai would be referred to as "Thai Kuen" or "Thai Fist". It's a type of "kung fu" of the Thais.

If you are strictly looking for Kung Fu as in Chinese martial arts, then Wing Chun or Tai Chi would be your best bet. This all depends on what is available to you, what your budget and time is, etc. You have to make that decision.
Well muay thai and tai chi aren't kung fu type styles, so I guess you would want Wing Chun.

While Tai Chi is a martial art, 95% of the "Tai Chi" schools you go to will be a health exercise.