
  1. S

    Atheists: Do you know that I love you in the name of Jesus Christ The Lord?

    Repent and believe on Him.
  2. T

    Do u blv in Jesus Christ?

    my brother and sister if u havent accepted Jesus christ u r on yo wae to hell. Jesus is the onli wae to Heaven,Hell is real if u hvnt seen it doesnt meant it is nt real.Repent frm ur sins ,Jesus is coming Soon
  3. M

    Is Lady GaGa Jesus Christ reincarnated?
  4. A

    Is there anything in the Bible against making or having pictures of Christ?

    And, given that nobody from around the 2nd century onwards knew what He looked like.... how could anybody expect their painting to be a fair representation?
  5. H

    Can i study the language spoken by Jesus christ?

    I want to write poems and stories in it..but how?
  6. M

    if i don't believe in your God/Jesus Christ can i be a ghost in the afterlife?

    instead of going to Hell for all eternity if it even exist can i be a spirit of a ghost and remain on earth in the afterlife after i die of old age?
  7. L

    did jesus christ teach the sola scriptura?

    or it was discovered by martin luther?
  8. M

    Is advice of Jesus Christ considered valid in Islam ?

    Jesus advised not to throw pearls to pigs. If Muslims consider him a true prophet then why they do not heed to his advice and stop sending Quran and hadith to complete strangers. Should not they restrict such emails to known friends/relations ?
  9. M

    Christ followers, what does the church?

    Christ followers, what does the church mean to you. To me it means people worshipping Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.
  10. J

    Christians, why did Christ not write down his teachings himself?

    Im a Christian and I was just wondering why Christ didnt write down his teachings, his own words, first hand, directly into a book to avoid and misinterpretation? Would there have been a reason for this or could he have done this and it maybe got lost over the years?
  11. L

    If Jesus Christ never rose from the dead why do people still talk about Him

    2000 years later? If the apostles made the whole thing up why did they die for it? Hard to be praised when your dead.
  12. Q

    Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, I'm healed!?

    I've had a cold for about a week and after my pastor gave me a blessing+confession for just $5, I feel so much better! Praise the Lord!
  13. S

    You bring us out of death,You raise us up again, In Christ we stand in victory?

    Glory and honour to God for our Saviour in Jesus we find all our peace For this You came to us and ransomed our promise Something something something The bit in the question is the bridge and the bit just above is the chorus (well, what I can remember, anyway) It's really bugging me, typing...
  14. D

    Is what you're living for worth Christ dying for?

    He already died for us but people still do sin. People should not really look at the cross but on what has Father God through Jesus Christ done on the cross.
  15. A

    What does it mean to be clothed in Christ?

    When Baptized, we are wrapped in white garments, which means we are clothed in Christ. What does this mean? And don't give me any atheist lectures, OK. I'm an atheist myself but I need help with my homework.
  16. M

    why did Christ call catholics and protestants abominations and harlots?

    Rev 17:5 The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth. all the pagan holidays came from rome, and all her whore daughters keep celebrating thm
  17. C

    If John the Baptist and Jesus Christ Both Born with The Holy Spirit?

    John the Baptist, Son of Zechariah and Jesus Christ Son of Joseph, Both born with Holy Spirit then why Christians believe that Jesus is the only son of God.
  18. K

    is my friend the anti christ?

    she follows the old gods such as Thor she said that she hates how evil some people are to animals as shes sees all living things as equal to each other and gets really offended if someone asks if shes Christian. She said she agrees with assisted suicide for very ill people if it is completely...
  19. 5

    Are the crips & the bloods using crips blood to prevent Christ & destroying This

    Are the crips & the bloods using crips blood to prevent Christ & destroying This Holly place .? Has our Government failed you & allowed Hollywood to brain wash u . To smook weed kill & drive.
  20. proficient

    Is the passion of Christ comparable to torture and imprisonment without trial?

    Considering he had very different views from the establishment, and him and his friends were considered a subversive organization by the rulers at the time. Can we conclude that passion of Christ involved less suffering than what we do to suspects in modern times and overall it was justified...