Is what you're living for worth Christ dying for?


May 14, 2008
He already died for us but people still do sin. People should not really look at the cross but on what has Father God through Jesus Christ done on the cross.
costa makes a good summary of Christian belief (mostly) but it is still belief.

there is no way to tell if if is TRUE or not
if it wasn't for hitler, i wouldn't have been born, so i'm going to do good in the world regardless of what happened to jesus and if he died for us or because he committed crimes against the roman government
Jesus died for all sins committed by all.
Jesus was born of the Father before time. Jesus is 100% God.
Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father only. Holy Spirit is 100% God.
Jesus incarnated. Jesus is 100% God and 100% man.
His body felt pain but didn't have the original sin (eating of the forbidden fruit).
After crucifiction, Jesus preached in hell. Those who believed, got out of hell.
After resurrection, Jesus has a body that doesn't feel pain; He is still considered to be 100% God and 100% man.
I was going to give a legit answer, but somebody else's answer had a better point.
He came back to life, so that's hardly a sacrifice. This is going to sound a little anti-american, but one of my heroes is che guevara. That man made a sacrifice and he never came back. He died so that his beliefs could have a chance. Whether or not I agree with what his ideals were or what he did to attain them, I admire him as a man who sacrificed himself for what he believed in.
Jesus did die, but coming back and going to heaven makes him seem a lot less inspirational, to me, personally and the result is I don't care if he died for me. Had he stayed dead, then yes I might have been more respectful, but I save my respect for the dead.
Christ died in order to liberate the captives who are enslaved to sin. Because he was without sin himself, he could do that, but if he had 'only' been a perfect man, he could only have atoned for the equivalent of who he was - another human. Only one other person. In order to become "the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world" he had to be God incarnate - God in the flesh, as well as human. John chapter 1 explains that.

Those who grasp something of the magnitude of the Word of God becoming flesh, suffering and dying a horrific death in order to smash death, sin and the devil, will repent and turn away from their sin. They will begin to live for Christ, not for themselves, and they will eagerly desire to "become slaves to righteousness" as Romans chapter 6 verses 5-18 explain.

Verse 22 adds, "But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Such a deliverance is transforming! Life is worth living! Sin has been pardoned and eternal life in Christ Jesus is what the Christian lives for. They live for Christ! That's what I'm living for. It's worth anything. No matter if I faced torture and a horrible death because of being a Christian, that would be worth it. Jesus said that in order to follow him, we have to pick up our cross daily. No matter the cost, it's worth it, because Jesus paid the ultimate cost.

As for those who dismiss his death because he was resurrected 3 days later - they don't see that his resurrection proved him to be the Son of God, and that's what salvation depends upon! They won't read the opening verses of Romans, or if they do, they'll shake their heads in disbelief because they just don't want Jesus to be their Lord and Saviour. Until they bend their knees in Jesus' name, they will never understand what he did for sinners. The cross is empty. The tomb is empty. But a sin-hardened heart will not see any significance in that.
How the did Jesus die for me?
How is it even a sacrifice if he can just resurrect himself?
How is it love if the only alternative is to burn for eternity?

Grow up and use your brain for once. It's a fairytale