
  1. M

    Is the bible the best way to learn more about God (Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ...

    ...and the Holy Spirit)? I would like to learn how to be a better Christian and to try to live a life that is pleasing to God and I wonder if reading the bible would be the best way to learn more about God and Heaven, also is the bible a great way to learn about God's truth?
  2. J

    how does this sound? "anyone that don't accept Jesus Christ will be damn... hell forever"? This damnation of humans cause my exit out of religion for good... it doesn't sound very loving to me. For god so love the world,that he gave his only begotten son..blah,blah,blah.. I knew some mothers that would never kill their child/ren even if they totally mistreated...
  3. C

    jesus christ's cucifixion research paper help?

    please help me on how to write a sentence to grab the readers attention and topics i should write about. please don't comment if you can't help
  4. T

    Do we need to face Armageddon to rid ourselves of thefalse god, the anti christ?

    Why so much chaos energy? Why are there going to be so many wars, natural disasters within this century? Are things returning back to a sate of harmony through destruction, chaos? What do you think? More than you know Shawn. Still I ask this question, for those who have these beliefs. Your...
  5. S

    Christ himself founded a church through the apostle peter?

    matthew 16:18 18 And I tell you that you are Peter,[a] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[b] will not overcome it. what does mean this verse to you?
  6. C

    The____ is the body of Christ and the___ is the blood of Christ?

    fill in the blanks
  7. C

    The return of Jesus Christ in date, 26 December 2004 ? The return of Jesus Christ, the content is written in many books of the New Testament and the revelation books of the Old Testament. So the return has the content as follows: Jesus Christ will return after the second disaster, which means the 11/9 disaster, the Bible called...
  8. P

    Was the actor who potrayed Jesus in Passion of the Christ Jewish ?

    Or was he perhaps one of Mel Gibson's anti-Semetic mates ? I asked my step son and his friends why they were going to see tthe movie since they were not religious. They just replied that they wanted to see Jesus get beated up and tortured for two hours and get nailed to a cross.
  9. A

    Jehovah's Witnesses, how good you are in following Christ?

    These are the some of the teachings of Christ and how well (obviously not perfect but still genuinely well) Jehovah's witnesses follow these teachings: 1. "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you" - Matthew 5:44 "The established churches are CORRUPT, WORLDLY, and devoid of divine...
  10. A

    How does the fulness of Christ: graceful, merciful, peaceful differ from

    what Jesus was? Jesus was: - made under the law: Galatians 4 - accuser of the brethren: Mt 9:13b - not just damnation, but greater damnation - not merciful: Matthew 23:14; 25:46 - partial to sheep: Matthew 25:31-33 - swordy division, and not peace: Luke 12:51 - numbered with the transgressors...
  11. T

    Did Christ keep the Sabbath according to Luke 4:16?

    "As his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read," -------Luke 4:16 "I have kept my Father's commandments."...
  12. N

    Is Jesus Christ the "Poster Child" for the age of Pisces?

    And is John the Baptist the poster child for Aquarius
  13. S

    catholics? what is the difference between praying to christ and praying to saints?

    because according to the Bible the only mediator between God and Men is JESUS CHRIST but catholic church believes in saints also, I believe in the catholic church but I am not sure about saints? what makes the difference between asking to christ and the saints?
  14. M

    What is so great about miraculous birth of Jesus Christ?

    Yes, 2000 years ago it appeared miraculous. But today every other doctor is implanting the seed of a man in the body of a woman and producing a baby. Is this simple implant so wonderful that you start calling him God or son of God? Muhammad...
  15. S

    Jehovah's Witnesses. What does the resurrected Christ have that a spirit has not?

    What does Jesus himself have to say on the matter?
  16. J

    Do you believe that there will be a second coming of Jesus Christ ?

    Do you believe that Jesus Christ really existed ?
  17. N

    Are you glad Christ died for you?

    No more guilt ? Full acceptance? Peace no matter what. Forgiven, being able to forgive. Being loved ,being able to love. Others need not answer but enjoy your day .
  18. S

    what are the prophecies about jesus christ from OT?

    included his Crucifixion and his resurrection, the ascension and his second coming?
  19. R

    Why has the cell phone become the second comming of christ?

    Ever notice young people with cell phones,they carry therm in their hand and never any where else,from morning til night if able to,i said if able to,and text and talk and scroll all day if able to,read my text i said if able to,then they beg steal,whine cry ,do anything they can to stop any one...
  20. L

    Can you provide a succinct summary of the powers that Christ allegedly offers?

    Also, personal examples of their manifestation would be helpful.