
  1. M

    i just joined the gym. i did the bike cardio there and i only burned 110...

    ...cals on it in 30 mins? WHY!!!! OPEN? i joined the gym and i did this bike machine cardio for 30 mins i did it fast and usual. i only burned 110 cals? what gives? at home i have a stationary bike and i burn like 400 on it in 30 mins?? should i do the one at home. do u think th gyms calculation...
  2. S

    Is this an acceptable lunch following a cardio workout? ((swimming))?

    Product - Subway Hoagie Size - Foot Long Bread - Wheat Toppings - Roast Beef, Ham, Bologna Condiments - None For Breakfast I had Total Cereal and One Slice of Whole Wheat Bread. Swam for about 2.5 hours ((laps, for the most part)) And now I am dining on said sandwich.
  3. I

    If I eat healthy & 20min of cardio a day how much pounds would I loose in 2

    weeks or longer? If I eat healthy & 20min of cardio a day how much pounds would I loose in 2 weeks or longer? Including 3-5 times a week of pilates (36mins per workout.)
  4. D

    will 45 minute per day cardio workouts (with no weight training) help get rid

    of some muscle mass / fat? i've been working out for a few months now.. but i feel like i'm getting too bulky.. will cardio sessions (with no weight training for a week) help me lose some muscle mass and fat?
  5. M

    Which cardio machine at the gym do you like best and why?

    I like the tread climber and elipticals, easy on the joints.
  6. T

    is this a good at home cardio jump rope workout?

    jump rope 50 reps rest 30 sec rest 75 reps rest 30 sec rest 100 reps 30 sec rest 125 reps 30 sec rest 150 reps 30 sec rest 175 reps 30 sec rest 200 reps 30 sec rest 175 reps 30 sec rest 150 reps 30 sec rest 125 reps 30 sec rest 100 reps 30 sec rest 75 reps 30 sec rest 50 reps 30 sec rest
  7. S

    Callisthenic and cardio workout routine?

    Would anybody be able to help me find a good two month long workout routine that involves little or no weights and lots of cardio? I want something different than usual for summer, since I won't have easy access to a weightroom. I'm looking more for high-reps and isometrics and a bit of...
  8. M

    when can i start cardio workuts? After a c-esection?

    I really want to lose the wieght that i gained from my pregnacy. I had a c-section and i didnt think to ask my doctor so how long should i wait to start working out?? oh its been 3 months since i had my baby.
  9. A

    Weightlifting and cardio to lose weight... is it counter-active?

    My goal is to lose weight and possibly gain some muscle on the way, not just tone the little that i have(because it's just that, little, lol) and so far from what i understand, the chemicals that deal with adding/breaking down fat are the same ones used for adding/breaking down muscle, so it's...
  10. T

    Am I over working my self in cardio?

    350 leg raises 350 push ups 100 crunches every day, one hour? 7 days a week.
  11. M

    High Intensity Cardio (how many times a week)?

    Ive been doing high intensity cardio on the tredmill for 3x a week and im in pretty good shape so im wondering is it possible to do it 5-6x a week ? The reason I love it is because mixing the sprints with the walking really confuses your metabolism and burns fat pretty well but with the extra...
  12. W

    What is a good heart rate for cardio endurance training?

    I been getiing into running and have been trying to get my hr up to at least 160. I ran 3 fast miles today and took my hr at the end and it was 171. Does this sound about right? BTW I am a 24 yr old male mostly a body builder but trying to get lean and more endurance now
  13. M

    Zumba Cardio Party Exercise

    Name: Zumba Cardio Party Exercise Category: Other: Other Size: 4864.26MB Added: 2009-02-04 18:10:45
  14. S

    i have a mma figth hin 3 weeks and i need to up the cardio need help with

    some extreme cardio tips thanks? i have been running in a gas mask to reduce my oxygen. its just that i seem to get a little gased when i grapple or box with someone
  15. M

    If I do 45 minutes of low-intensity cardio (ie stationary bike) 6 days a

    week, how much weight could I lose? in a month? I weigh 220 pounds and I am 20. What's the best heart-rate to aim for, I'm not tooo healthy. I suspect that a lot of the 220 pounds is water weight, because I have been retaining water like crazy and I put on 60 pounds in a short 8 months last...
  16. W

    What is the best kind of cardio to do in order to lose those last 10 pounds?

    I'm a female with the typical saddle bags and lovehandles. I am 10 pounds away from my goal weight. Is it better to 1) run at a slower pace with higher resistance or 2) run at a much faster pace with little-to-no resistance in order to lose these last 10 pounds of fat?
  17. S

    What are some cardio exercises other than running, swimming, and biking?

    and maybe also some that you can do indoors?
  18. R

    Where can I find a really good bike for Cardio excersizes?

    Well I'm trying to get in shape and along with weight lifting, cardio is essential haha. Where can I get a good deal on a bike?
  19. R

    Is riding a bike good cardio exercise?

    I would like to start exercising more but I don't want to run becaues it'll ruin my shins and knees. So it cycling good exercise? How far and how long should I ride?
  20. A

    how long will it take to see results from walking and cardio?

    I am currently 162,im trying to get down to atleast 150.I started walking 2 miles,and doing like 30 min of cardio a day.I also try and watch what i eat and only eat portion sizes.Im going to try the acai beery diet next week and see if it helps me along the way.Im just wondering how long will it...