
  1. L

    Is riding my bike 11 miles a day (on weekdays) a good cardio workout? will...

    ...I lose some lbs? Im Male 24, 6'0" 225 lbs. ive started riding my bike to work which is about 2 miles, on the way home I take a longer route, but I also ride up and down the beach a few times before actually heading home which in total including my ride home is about...9 miles that's a total...
  2. J

    Whats better? Fitness cardio wise?

    So I bought the Dwight Howard mens health magazine and I turned to page where it was talking about losing weight getting toned ect. and it talked about interval training and I read online somewhere els that interval training is good for you as well. So I started interval running for 10 minutes...
  3. S

    What are easy ways to get cardio fitness in 5 times a week or more?

    What are easy ways to get cardio fitness in 5 times a week or more?
  4. K

    How can I add weights to my MMA routine with lots of cardio?

    Here is my problem. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I train BJJ, boxing, and muay thai. I am trying to start lifting weights on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the mornings BEFORE any MMA training. I am taking creatine and whey protein. My question is, will doing cardio on the days I...
  5. G

    Golds Gym Cardio Workout AUS Wii-BAHAMUT

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 4.90 GB Files: 110 (15 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Posted: Mon November 23rd 19:32:26 UTC Download NZB
  6. L

    does cardio like pilates, jogging, skipping, biking, cycling and swimming make... BULK UP or tone down? i really want to have strong muscles and i want to have very slim calves (well, i already do have slim calves so i want to keep them this way). what exercises can make me tone down and stay healthy and in good shape WITHOUT making me bulk up! I do not want to lift...
  7. C

    billy blanks taebo cardio dvd?

    so how long would it take me to lose weight? and how often do I have to do it? and how many calories does it burn for 1hr of this? i need to lose 15lbs by november.
  8. P

    How can I improve my cardio fitness?

    How do i improve my cardio fitness a lot!! I have roughly 3 weeks i have been training for the past month but noticed my cardio isn't where it was. I've been doing biking intervals. When I jog i run roughly 7 km (4.3 miles) but at an easy pace. Should I go shorter distance faster? Longer a...
  9. E

    Is riding my bike BMX style considered a cardio exercise?

    i like to ride my bike for the tricks and stuff like that, although i ride atleast 5 miles a day, is this considered a cardio exercise? if so, is it a good one?
  10. H

    Is a stationary bike a good cardio workout?

    I want to know if a stationary bike is a good cardio workout vs. running or jogging. I really like the ones at the gym but am not sure if I am doing enough work on them to make a difference. My legs burn, and I get out of breath, but I slow down until the burn goes away and it's only burning...
  11. M

    Is heavy cardio the only way to burn stomach fat from metabolic syndrome?

    I have a layer of fat around my stomach and waist that I just can't shred off even with years of running 5 miles 3 times a week. Is there anything else I can do to blast the adipose tissue?
  12. R

    hey. nutrition and cardio work out.?

    does the iron gym really work. and what cardio to lose fat should i do and what are some foods to really stay away from. please tell me if they the cardio you suggest works. thx
  13. R

    hey. nutrition and cardio work out.?

    does the iron gym really work. and what cardio to lose fat should i do and what are some foods to really stay away from. please tell me if they the cardio you suggest works. thx
  14. W

    Workout routine question? weights, protein shake, then cardio best to get ripped?

    Hi, I really need to know whats the best routine to get ripped. I am already satisfied with my size, but of course I wish to improve in that too, but my first priorty is to get more ripped. I was thinking: Day 1: Chest, Biceps, Protein shake, then 15 mins cardio Day 2: Triceps, Forarms, Protein...
  15. P

    What is the best cardio exercise to do at the gym?

    Hey I am going to the gym tomorrow morning and I was told that cardio is the best to gt rid of the fat. They have like treadmills, and stair steppers, elliptical machines, and many many more it is one of the newer 24 hour fitness places what is the best to start on p.s trying to get rid of...
  16. T

    what is better for a good exercise in cardio a recumbent bike are?

    a elliptical trainer.
  17. S

    What if Shogun came in with good cardio shape at ufc 97? Do you think he would

    beat Chuck Liddell easy? He has gased out bad his last 2 fights.
  18. M

    what kind of cardio do mma stars do?

    regards good people
  19. S

    Is 30-60 minutes of bike riding 4x a week enough cardio to lose weight/body fat?

    i'm 5'6", 14 y.o. girl, 140 pounds, and i'm try to get down to 120 as soon as i can, without crash dieting, considering i normally do that and get down really small and then gain it all back i'm doing the whole 5 small meals a day thing too, and some crunches, yoga, and some arm exercises with...
  20. J

    Can you eat while on the cardio machine to regain immediate energy? Will this help...

    ...burn more fat? I want to do a long cardio session but want to know if I will be able to burn fat (not muscle) by eating something on the machine. My goal is to do about 2000 calories. Ive done 1500 before. What should I eat?