
  1. A

    Why do Top Atheists remain Stagnant here while the rest Improve and move on?

    If Life is a wheel, that means they are the Flat tire? LOL
  2. G

    Atheists ,give me proof God doesn't exist!?

    Evolution is proven wrong ,the fact that the earth always existed is proven wrong and the fact that everything occurred by chance is mathematically impossible. " cannot have had a random beginning...The trouble is that there are about two thousand enzymes, and the chance of obtaining...
  3. N

    Christians: What would you think of atheists if they gathered once every

    week to sing atheist-chants? "There is no god, faith is bullshit. It gives me comfort, that there's no god" Can you see how ridiculous devotional music is?
  4. N

    Why do Atheists and Christians argue?

    The belief systems do not abide one another so the believers of each argue to prove their former otherwise, both being unwilling to accept their opposition while attempting to prove their belief superior disproving the other by means of value to themselves(eg. Atheist-rational logic...
  5. S

    Atheists - When a Christian (JW, I think) says the following, do you laugh or cry?

    "[God] doesn't say: 'believe in me or go to hell' .. you [atheists] say it." Do you laugh or cry when a Christian claims that it is ATHEISTS who make the claim "God says believe in me or you will go to Hell?"
  6. T

    Christians: Do you really think that atheists believe the universe came...

    ...into existence from nothing? I have never met an atheist who claims that. We know that this universe came into existence through the big bang. But we believe that there was something before the "big bang", outside time and space, because those dimensions only came into existence through the...
  7. A

    Atheists if you complain so much of the straving people in Africa , why

    dont you help them? I did not ask you is there a God because there isnt. I asked could you stop complaining and do something instead of bashing non-existing fictional character on Yahoo Ask
  8. kowalskil


    The following advice is from a prayer book: "Pray as if everything depended upon God, act as if everything depended on you." I think that this is consistent with the idea of NOMA, formulated by the biologist Stephen Gould. We exist in the material world; God exists in the spiritual world...
  9. A

    Atheists : If you were to follow a religion?

    which would it be, and why?
  10. C

    Atheists: Why do Jews practice Judaism if they are the most intelligent

    "race" according to IQ tests? 1) Jews 2) East Asians 3) Western Europeans You seem to think that the higher someones intelligence the less they need to believe in God; how do you explain Jews? Source: -Any modern psychology textbook *If you are not going to answer the question don't post here---
  11. G

    Atheists i have a question?

    If i walk into store and throw hundred dollar bill at clerk run and grab two twinky and Gatorade will that be crime
  12. A

    Why are some Christians and Atheists always arguing and fighting with...

    ...each other constantly? Yes I'm a Christian asking this question. I shift the blame on both sides, Christians why the heck are you guys trying so hard to preach to people who obviously don't want to hear the message you are trying to convey? And why do some Atheists go out of their way to...
  13. S

    Why do atheists deny the awesome power of the Ceiling Cat?

    "Oh hai. In teh beginnin Ceiling Cat maded teh skiez An da Urfs, but he did not eated dem." - Genesis 1:1 (LOLCat Translation) "n Ceiling Cat wuz leik, 'I yam who I yam. 4evrs dat b me. Tell teh pplz i see dem, an they scard. Tell teh pplz about the cheezburgrs.'" - Exodus 3:14 (LOLCat...
  14. D

    Atheists, what do you define as nothing?

    Can a "nothing" be defined? Where does the big bang came from if energy cannot be created of destroyed? if it cannot be created then why does energy exist? and if something comes from "nothing" then how does it exist?
  15. N

    Why are Atheists so keen on ranting here over something they think is meaningless?

    The atheists say their life is fine without God so shouldn't the topic be irrelevant for them? If so, why do they come here everyday with their usual rants? It's not like raving about your precious science is going to change a person who truely loves the Lord.
  16. H

    Atheists, scenario: You are on a coach tour and you stop outside a historic....?

    place of worship. The curator of the building insists that according to the religious protocol all who enter the building must dress appropriately as a mark of respect. i.e. men must not wear shorts and vests, and women must not expose their flesh,legs arms, neck etc...and if any are gays, then...
  17. M

    Atheists, riddle me this!?

    Coal is in abundance in the earth. Since it takes coal about 6000 years to form, the earth can be no older than 6000 years! Ha! your superior powers of logic and deductive reasoning are no match for this one!
  18. Z

    Christians: Am i the only one who thinks atheists are pathetic losers?

    I know we're supposed to accept everyone but how can i pretend i accept atheists when all they do is constantly mock our beliefs ?
  19. R

    Atheists: do you sometimes just wish that religions could be unrelated

    and unconnected to your lives? If other people want to have their faiths, just let them to have their faiths as long as they keep them private instead of trying to bother other people Also If it is really like that Is it true You just wish to live your lives good and happily Neither do you...
  20. B

    Is this what the christians think about us Atheists,lol. Do they think we're

    friends with silly satanists?