
  1. N

    Atheists prefer to know the how, rather than the why. Why is that?

    Rico- are you an atheist? You seem to be very interested in Eastern philosophies
  2. N

    Atheists prefer to know the how, rather than the why. Why is that?

    Rico- are you an atheist? You seem to be very interested in Eastern philosophies
  3. M


    I am 93 years old, and this is a terrifying story for me. My father had a fight with the devil back in 1926 in Worcester, Massachusetts. My father, who claimed to be a devout Catholic, and man of God, was also a very strict, bordering on abusive husband and father of five chidren. One night he...
  4. Ƒ

    Why are so many atheists interested in the topic of religion and spirituality?

    It's not a bad thing and I understand that religion can mix with legislation if left unchecked but I still can't help but wonder if there's a greater reason why so many atheists hang around forums like this.
  5. U

    Atheists, is it possible you have been sold a fantasy about a bright future

    for mankind based on science? .. did you ever consider someone or some people may have presented that to you for some hidden agenda?
  6. E

    Atheists: Can you give me examples of your "Witty" humor?

    Show your true colors, ladies and gents! GOGOGO!
  7. M

    Ex-Christians Atheists, what actually didn't make sense in Xianity?

    and what's the fault of other religions if they perfectly make sense. @person who says nothing made sense. can you give some examples.
  8. J

    I just asked this question (to Atheists...)?

    All of you are answering me telling me that the brain does "funny things." I am NOT for a second going to buy this belief that our brain can somehow know that there is a shoe sitting on the third story ledge of a hospital and this woman somehow knows about... that doesn't answer the question...
  9. S

    Atheists don't you know the power of Christ compels you?

    Every knee must bow as it says in the bible. Do you not know this? The power of Christ compels you His power is real unlike the silly jokes you make do not let the devil fool you!
  10. L

    Atheists, explain why new study shows atheists are more likely to abuse children? read it and weep
  11. G

    Atheists who use to believe in a deity, do you ever at times feel both

    liberated yet find life meaningless? I tried so many religions and in the end they all seem so fake to me, from preachers who don't believe in the Bible, to Muslims metaphorically treating the qur'an like toilet paper. Then Buddhism which is just depressing, Hinduism a weirdo cult full of scam...
  12. G

    "Choice In Dying," Eric MacDonald on Atheists Talk #117

    Wake up early on Sunday and catch ""Choice In Dying," Eric MacDonald on Atheists Talk #117" Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  13. W

    What the hell is up with those atheists?

    The keep saying stuff even though nobody asked if there was They say "there is no God"- but I see GOd and pray to; That is THE GOD OF ABRAHAM MOSES JESUS MOHAMMAD (ALL HUMANS) I BELIEVE ALL HAVE THE SAME GOD BUT THEY ... only 1 God who I can see through the heart of authentic belief...
  14. S

    When an atheists visit a church, do they try to convert believers there?

    I'm an atheist, with a Christian girlfriend. So, sometimes I join her to church. She likes that, I have no problem with it. For some weird reason (call it respect) I don't feel the need to mock god inside a church. When I burn my bibles, I do it in the privacy of my own house. When I see a...
  15. A

    Atheists : If I ask you a question on religion , why you guys put a bible to my face

    ..I am not a christian!? Why you guyz think all religions are like christianity ... Don't bring talking snakes and tree of knowledge of good and bad to me .. I don't believe in them either .. stop presuming all Theists believe the stuff in the bible !
  16. Q

    Do atheists, especially Israeli Atheists, know the difference between a signature

    and image? Which of the two is someone's personal mark?
  17. I

    Serious question for Atheists do you find it easier to tell someone off ?

    since you don't believe in God, what I mean is you don't feel guilty because you know God doesn't like this. I have lost my temper with people are are just so hard to deal with (family included) then I feel bad (yes cause of the argument/fight) but also cause I know God wants us to be loving to...
  18. Q

    Atheists, What exactly is proof of God? Apparently God's signature isn't...

    ...enough. Does He have to show Himself? Oh, right. Then the excuse will be 'schizophrenia' ....or something else. so when you've set yourself up to deny any and every kind of proof, what proof are you asking for?
  19. S

    Why do some Christians complain about atheists mocking Christianity, when...

    ...they have Harold Camping? jl: He says he is. I just assume if someone says they are, they must be? I'm not lumping you, Jim. I said 'some'. 'Some' doesn't mean 'all'. random: Christians always seem to know who is or is not a Christian.
  20. S

    What do atheists say about personal prophecy?

    Alright I'm actually re-stating this question because I wasn't specific enough last time. This is for all the atheists. Personal prophecies are usually done at churches. And the people doing the prophecies are complete strangers, but they will tell you things that only you know. For example, a...