
  1. E

    What are martial arts supposed to look like in a real fight?

    I noticed when someone practices a certain style of martial art, it seems to display a certain identity of the style of the art during training or hitting pads. For example, when you see karatekas doing katas or hung gar swinging their arms, you can identify the style or tell if they are really...
  2. H

    Is it a bad idea to do 2 martial arts sports at the same time?

    I've been doing Tae Kwon Do for a while now, but I've recently stopped. I'm only on yellow belt. A kick-boxing class has recently transferred to my town and I started two weeks ago. I enjoy both sports but I stopped Tae Kwon Do because I lost the motivation to keep going because I felt that I...
  3. S

    Got any advice for my sitting position in martial arts (Seiza)?

    A friend invited me to a group that does Aikido, and I like how it went, but the sitting positions kills my ankles. Also I probably need add my feet are a big long for my height so I think that's why they hurt so much. So I was wondering is there a certain way to sit to avoid the pressure, or...
  4. A

    is there an existing martial arts trick like the one in kill bill 2?

    the one that makes the heart explode after five steps
  5. D

    will arts such as drunken boxing,akido,kungfu, wing chun or krav maga be...

    ...successful in mma? im talking about the arts you kinda hear that are practiced in asian countriesl. like how do you think kung fu or drunken fist practictionars would do in mma? thanks and sorry for any type os my english issent the best. thank you
  6. L

    Where can I find an amateur martial arts tournament in MI?

    Where in Michigan are there any amateur MA tournaments?
  7. T

    martial arts school in tacoma washington?

    I don't want to attend a McDojo and am wondering if anyone knows a good place to learn martial arts. I am not looking for any specific type, am open minded. I just don't want to be swindled into a McDojo. Thank you.
  8. D

    Can I train for martial arts on nothing but a water and protein drink diet?

    I want to prove a message by going on a hunger strike but I also want to continue training at the sane time is this possible? Please help!!!
  9. S

    A good 3rd Martial Arts Discipline. Jeet Kun Do VS. Aikido?

    I just currently took up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I do that twice a week and do MMA once a week. What would be a good 3rd art to pick up between Jeet Kun Do, Aikido, and Muy Thai?
  10. D

    Best type Martial Arts to start?

    I am a teenager and pretty soon I'm going to be home-schooled. I'm trying to find a good, physical activity and I decided to try out martial arts.I Just don't know what type. There are different kinds in my area such as karate, taekwondo, hapkido, shotokan, and others that are either Japanese or...
  11. I

    How to get into the Martial Arts movie industry?

    It is just a question I have a set plan already in life but as you know in life nothing goes as planned so I have contegiency plans for my back up plans. My question is in the title really, how to get into the martial arts movie industry mainly in america. I like to keep my options open. Sorry I...
  12. M

    how much flexibility is required for chinese martial arts?

    I'm thinking about doing chinese martial arts, but i'm not too flexible. are there any chinese martial arts that don't require too much flexibility?
  13. R

    In which martial arts , hitting in crotch is allowed ?

    In which martial arts , hitting in crotch is allowed during fighting ?
  14. J

    Should I go to the gym out do martial arts?

    There are bullies picking on me at school because i'm pretty skinny so I wanna stand up to them but I can't choose between gaining weight by going to the gym or practice martial arts. What do you think is suitable for a14 year old like me? By the way i'm only 90lbs and 5'5" tall
  15. J

    What kind of things can you do if your really good at using martial arts in real

    life? You close distance, you choose the right moves fast, you have lots of power and speed. Then you keep mastering your harder moves, what else can you do with it? Greg the best fighters remain silent and calm because they know what there doing.
  16. O

    How old should you be to learn two martial arts?

    I'm 15 and I've done judo for a while. I've recently started to consider doing wing chun as well.
  17. S

    Which interests you more, arts or sports?

    Male or female?
  18. B

    Does martial arts count for anything for colleges?

    I already know the answer is probably no, but I guess it's worth asking. It's quite time consuming, just as time consuming as a varsity sport (even more) considering it is all year round. It's just that I always feel bad about myself because besides being super involved with my church (which...
  19. A

    Please help Trying to find a martial arts video?

    This video is of a short but fit filipino martial arts guy demonstrating knife lethality and stabbing a piece of cardboard held by his friend at chest level. You can see why i want to see this ridiculous video, please help Thanks
  20. D

    Is this martial arts place legit or is it a mcdojo?