
  1. U

    Who has the best Martial Arts channel on Youtube?

    There are hundreds and thousands of people who has their own chanel about martial arts but they all give the same hypothetical scenario about what to do in any given situation, they aren't speaking from experience because they half a**ly go through the moves even when they demonstrate them. is...
  2. W

    Martial Arts training?

    I am 14 years old and was wondering that if i start kung fu or some type of martial art would i be training with a bunch of little kids? I would take learning seriously , so if not training with little kids then who would i train with?
  3. M

    martial arts questions?

    what is the difference between cha 3 kenpo and parker kenpo?
  4. M

    martial arts questions?

    what is the difference between cha 3 kenpo and parker kenpo?
  5. J

    Is Shotokan Karate a good martial arts to learn?

    I have been wanting to do karate since I was a kid, but never was able to and now I am going to start Shotokan and I want to know is it a good martial art to learn?
  6. M

    martial arts questions?

    is karate lesson 3xs a week 4 hours a day for 40 bucks a month worth it? and is a 60 dollar gi expensive?
  7. M

    The best type of martial arts for me?

    I'm looking for self-defense, on the mat, as well as losing weight type of martial arts. What kind of martial art has a collaboration of all these elements?
  8. M

    Can I continue martial arts?

    My right wrist is cracked. There is a 1.5 by 1.5 inch fracture in my wrist. It's been there for about two years. A piece of bone is detached from the regular piece of bone on my wrist. X-rays have shown that I already have scar tissue building around my wrist. The piece of bone detached from the...
  9. T

    What's the best or bests martial arts to learn?

    i wanna learn wing chun is that a good one to learn? so i should learn all the ones you listed and i should then be more than good when facing an oppanent I WANT TO LEARN multiple martial arts but really good ones
  10. R

    Learning Russian Sambo Martial Arts?

    I want to learn a martial art, and at the moment I am leaning towards Sambo. I am in school, but i want to take it up in the summer. In the mean time, what are some good ways to prepare for this type of class? I try to exercise, but what are some good ways and exercises I should focus on...
  11. R

    Learning Russian Sambo Martial Arts?

    I want to learn a martial art, and at the moment I am leaning towards Sambo. I am in school, but i want to take it up in the summer. In the mean time, what are some good ways to prepare for this type of class? I try to exercise, but what are some good ways and exercises I should focus on...
  12. N

    why are white martial arts teacher fat?

    not that im being a racist but it's very rare to see a fat asian master./sensei. they are doing a mostly physical activity so ....uhmm why are they fat?
  13. R

    What type of Martial arts should I take?

    I am 5'10 184 pounds average sized man. My legs are above average in length and my arms are actually slightly below average in length. I was wondering what type of martial arts can make use of my long legs. I don't even work out my legs and they are very strong unlike my arms which only appear...
  14. D

    Do any of you people do martial arts?

    which ones?
  15. D

    Do any of you people do martial arts?

    which ones?
  16. E

    Do colored belts in martial arts actually have any real meaning?

    I've been reading on some Taekwondo websites and they're giving some retarded BS about the colors representing the growing of a tree. The American Taekwondo Association has the biggest load of bovine excrement I've read so far. Take a look...
  17. S

    Mixed Martial Arts and children?

    When I have a child, if it happens to be a boy, I want to get him into MMA. I just want to know how old I should start him out and what all I should do. What exactly should I start him in first?
  18. M

    What are some good martial arts movies for kids?

    My son is 6 years old an I am trying to get him interested in martial arts. I want to enroll him in lessons but at this point he doesn't seem very interested. I want to find karate/martial arts movies that are suitable for kids that will help him get a better idea about it and possibly peak his...
  19. M

    Combination Sword-Fighting and Martial Arts?

    Well, I have never trained in any form of martial art or swordsmanship, but I do have an interest in both. With that in mind, I was wondering if there were any styles that combined the two, or if it's generally one or the other. Basically, if I can, I'd like to start taking lessons, but I'd...
  20. L

    Help! MMORPG Martial Arts?

    I remember few years ago I found this game online that was MMA type of game. You could pick up to 5 "stances" One of the stances was Muay Thai. I THINK the first letter of the name started with a K. I'm trying to find that game today, but I can't find it. Help?