Got any advice for my sitting position in martial arts (Seiza)?


New member
Feb 4, 2013
A friend invited me to a group that does Aikido, and I like how it went, but the sitting positions kills my ankles. Also I probably need add my feet are a big long for my height so I think that's why they hurt so much. So I was wondering is there a certain way to sit to avoid the pressure, or will I get used to the position?
This is a common thing in martial arts. Most people can't sit in Seiza when they first begin. It takes a little while. You more you do it the easier and better it becomes. You need to do this away from the dojo as well. You will find this helps.

There are 2 sitting position common in martial arts.

Seiza - sitting on knees (formal sitting)
Anza - sitting crossed leg or as we say in America sitting Indian style. In education we say crisscross applesauce (informal sitting).
Part of it is getting used to the position. It takes a little flexibility in the knees and in twisting the lower legs and be comfortable with it. You really have to play with where you are comfortable since everybody is different. Here are a couple things that have helped me. I don't sit on my heels since it causes too much pressure on my ankles when sitting on a wood floor without any padding. Instead I turn my heels out so I actually sit more on the inside of my foot. The toes should be crossed over a little anyway. My rear fits right in the arch of both my feet when in seiza which is much more comfortable on the ankles.
For stretches I try to sit between my legs in a kneeling position. It will help to get used to sitting in seiza for longer period of times. I also try to sit in seiza at home too. If you are having a really hard time with it try it with a pillow or some padding under you or even between your legs and rear until you can get used to all the way down on the feet. Over time you will condition into it.