Recent content by cal

  1. C

    Which is your favourite sailor scout and why?

    Sailor Moon or who?
  2. C

    Ban the last poster before you post

    G-Bells for trying to outstare the hypnotic cat.
  3. C

    senior pranks?

    Atleast its unique.
  4. C

    god is everywhere: why we need a pope, church or organized religion. pray

    There is no money to be made and no pwer to be gained if everybody just goes off an prays by themselves.
  5. C

    Do any of the Pacific states have laws pertaining to hunting Bigfoot?

    Yes, right next to the laws pertaining to hunting unicorns, the loch ness monster, dinosaurs which may still secretly exist, and vampires...
  6. C

    What does it mean when you are crying and laughing?

    I'm not talking about laughing too hard then crying but in terms of sadness. I've never really felt this type of emotion before... The girl that I liked for over four years and I couldn't get her. I asked her out before, 2 years ago, but I kept denying myself from her answer and continued to...
  7. C

    does this guy expect us to have sex?

    Sounds like he just crossed the Creep line. Don't go.
  8. C

    Are there ne online jobs?

    professional forum poster?
  9. C

    Why does change to the mobile version on my laptop?

    When I enter www. on my laptop it changes to and runs the mobile version for the homepage and mail. I'm using the broadband wifi home network. I don't have any problems on any other site.
  10. C

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Yep, guillotine
  11. C

    Your plans for summer

    Not if I eat your babies first.
  12. C

    Pizza Eating Contest

    smoke weed beforehand
  13. C

    Why do we eat meat?

    It is a difficult question for me wether I would not want to be born at all or live in a field eating grass all day, without a stimulating enviroment around me, perhaps cows enjoy that life, or maybe thier minds possess thoughts of being free, and instincts of what there where long before we...
  14. C

    Would the world be a better place without religion?

    It would be full of nihilists that wound't care about anything + a lot of anarchy.
  15. C

    What would Jesus do??????????????
