Are there ne online jobs?


New member
May 17, 2008
are there any jobs that an 18 year old could do online? Im talking legit jobs not that survey bullshit that are all scams?
you might be able to apply for one online, or maybe learn what you have to do to apply online, but nothing worth doing is on the interwebs, job-wise.
I'm not entering the real world until as late as posible. 5 years undergrad, 2 years grad school = win. I love college.
im sure, depending on your location (where you live) you could work from home, and be maybe a mod somewhere, im aware of companies ranging from logitech to world of warcraft are all internet jobs. i would start there.
True, but I'm assuming they require some kind of experience, and posting on PBN probably doesn't count. In any case, posting things like 'ne' instead of hitting that ONE EXTRA FUCKING KEYSTROKE to say 'any' probably won't help.