senior pranks?

jus let loose like 100-500 birds in your school thats what they did last year in mine they had to try to clear all of the out it was funny

edit:get squirrls it is impossible to hit thoses fuckers unless they are in the street
our seniors last day was today. earlier in the year they glued and melted locks and shit shut. cost the school 6 grand to replace everything. they did plan on buying $400 worth of lady bugs (thats a fucking shit ass load of bugs) and setting them off throughout the school. too bad everyone would get expelled though. our school blows
at my school the seniors got that rly rly rly quick dry cement, and cemented all the entraces to the school so we couldnt get in, it twas puuuuuuuuuurty funny
I can't believe people still think this prank would work. It's like... 1820 old. Grandparents know about that fucking prank.

And good luck finding 3 pigs.
paint lines in the hallways to make it like the streets, and see if ppl actually obey the traffic laws. Its kinda stupid but itd probly be kinda funny.
id like to do something for my next year that wont get me in a shit load of trouble.

any ideas?
the senior's of the 06 year at my school did the samething as dyeihav.neter. they glued all the key holes to every room. and my year of 07 we put nasty old fish in the school air vents so the whole school smelt nasty
at my school, they switched the locks on lockers 1-600 and 1100-1500.. basically all the freshman lockers.. there was a cash reward for whoever turned em in.. the reward was paid shortly after haha

EDIT: they got a few of the master keys in case you were wondering how
take all of the lunch tables and hide them outside the school somewhere or w/e

unscrew/ cut the main power cable at the school.

unscrew all of the lightbulbs in certain rooms.

