What should I eat for healthy, clear skin?


New member
Feb 1, 2009
Right now, i have mild acne with black heads. I already drink a lot of water, and I do mean A LOT. I drink the water with a few lemon slices in it because i heard that lemon is a good antioxidant. I wash my face in the morning and in the nighttime with Oil-Free Acne wash Daily Scrub by Neutrogena. I have the Neutrogena Alcohol Free Toner and an Aveeno Ultra Calming daily moisturizer. On my pimples i use Erythromycin and Benzoyl peroxide topical gel and sometimes Clinique spot treatment. Is this a good skin routine?
What foods to eat/avoid to clear my face? I don't eat a lot of sweets and greasy food. s
Can anyone give me scpecific foods?
For a healthy skin eat a lot of fruit. Drink water 7-8 times a day. I don't recommend you drinking water with lemon because i read that it can dry your skin. So try to avoid the lemons.
-Drink Green Tea
-Eat fruits and vegetables
-Take Zinc Supplements
-Use Clean & Clear products