What kind of food/nutritions are healthy and good for your teeth and to gain weight?


May 16, 2008
*** WARNING: Long details *** haha

My problem:
About a year ago, I was in a depression (trauma kind) period and lost alot of weight and end up having several health issues (nosebleeds, fainting, foodsick etc). Im soon 24 yrs old, 5'5/168cm and currently 94ibs/43kg (need to wear children size for the buttom garments). My family keep on telling me gain back my weight, but the problem is that Ive a very high metabolism, Ive always been naturally skinny (115ibs/54kg at the most when I was a teen). I drink approximately 2 litre CocaCola (regulary), fast foods several times a week, lots of milk/egg/chicken/cheese etc but I keep on loosing weight over and over. About a half year ago, I got nutrution beverages to help to gain more weight but that solution didnt work, because now I feel like Im gonna puke if I keep drinking 3 of them daily, month after month. I just cant stand them any longer.

Everytime I talk about this issue to other people (classmates, chatfriends etc), the only thing that comes in their mind are the cocacola and that I "doesnt need to gain weight, because my body figure are SO fine as it is now". Is really that fine and healthy to have the same weight as a CHILD?! (I cant understand those chicks who want to become 100ibs and being 5.8")

This is pic on how my figure look now if you are wondering (cropped the face because that has nothing to do with this question, haha).:

So back to question to any health/food experts (or good in this topic):

What kind of food and beverage do you think are good to eat/drink to gain weight?
...and as for weight Im talking about the healthy think, not the fat weight kind you get from eating Mcdonalds. (keep your figure in similare size and gain muscle weight or something?).
Also that are good/gentle to your teeth?

I try to do baby step with the sugar related issue (the cocacola). I do know Ive an unhealthy addiction to cocacola/soda, Ive drinking it for almost 10 yrs and hard to break through it, so now i try to do it another way: keep the soda, remove as much sugar as possible from other food/beverage intakes
and hope that will work.

Ive already switched candy/snacks to nice fruits and root crops, avoiding tea, eating boiled vegetables with onion sauce instead of fryied chips as I know they can be bad for your teeth, milk and carbonated water instead of juice etc. But im not so good with what is healthy and what is not healthy and at the same time is good to gain weight the healthy way.
eating lean meat, red meat for females needs to be more then males
eat vegetables
do daily cardio of up to 30 minutes
and add streghening excerises 3 times a week
