Really REALLY BAD break outs!? Please help.?


New member
May 24, 2012
Okay so my face is broke out sooooo effin bad. I have little red pimples all over my even smaller little bumps too...they're literally everywhere and I don't know what to do it sooo bad and it makes me cry... I've been dealing with acne since I can remember and nothing I've ever done has worked...I even went to a dermatologist and now I just feel like my face has gotten worse...its so damn bad and it really does upset me more then is it so much to ask for nice skin?? I drink water and eat fruit and vegetables every day...I don't touch my face..I wash it once a day at night with clean and clear morning burst facial scrub...idk what it is but its stressing me out n every time I think of tha fact that ill never have beautiful skin I can't stop crying...please makes me so self concious and I don't even like my bf looking at me becuz of it...I always avoid contact n it hurts, I wish I didn't have to hide my face... I don't even wear foundation or powder so that can't be the cause of it either. Has anyone had anything that worked and changed their lyfe?? Please help me..