Best acne system for combination skin?


Jun 3, 2008
So I have combination skin. I have plenty of blackhead around my nose, and a couple here and there on my forehead and cheeks. I get whiteheads on my chin, and I occasionally get a big fat acne somewhere on my face. So I cant determine if I have acne (Cause those are the big fat red ones and i only get it sometimes) or pimples? I've tried literally everything. For St. Ives, Netrogeuna, Clean and Clear, Olay, Aveeno, all the brand store. I even tried proactive and that dried out my skin a lot. I have some suggestions I was wondering you could help me with to get rid of my pimples and to give myself a glow. Should i use the:

-Clinque 3 step system.
-Clinque Acne Kit

Can you help me choose? I want to know if it will help