I'm 18 years old. Is it weird that I have my own taste in music?


New member
Apr 17, 2013
Shouldn't I be told what music I enjoy, simply because of my age, gender, race, religion, and sexuality?

BQ: who else had about had it with these types of questions?
BQ2: favourite song not sung not in the vocalist's native language? (can't be in English)
No it's not weird. I'm 14 and I like rap my best friend likes classic rock and my other friend likes country it doesn't matter what kind of music you like. Just be yourself.
like what you like. it doesn't matter. if someone rats me out on my music choices, i just tell them i dont give a damn and go on my merry way,

BQ: kinda new here. dunno what questions you mean.
BQ2: dan y dwr by enya. its in welsh
I like classic rock song . Today's are very traditional and newest song lunch But I have like only classic song there are listen mostly time .