Why won't my iPhone 3G recognize that it is being plugged in and how can I fix


New member
Jan 21, 2011
this problem? I have had my iPhone for just shy of three years now. Every night I plug the phone in and use it as an alarm. Just yesterday when I went to plug the phone in to my computer to update the music and apps, it would not recognize that it was plugged into anything.

Of course I thought that was weird at first, so I went and tried two different USB cables and tried plugging it into the wall charger etc...
I tried blowing the cord and USB port on the phone out with an air duster and repeated the above process many times. I have since rebooted, hard reset and tried anything I can think of short of throwing the darn thing at a wall and to no avail.

If anyone knows what the problem is that would be great, and even better if you know how to fix it!
