my friend has a weird taste in music......?


New member
Dec 13, 2008
she likes the blues and jazzy stuff
and we hang out by her car during lunch and everything but she always turns on her stupid blues music
and it's so weird because she has a bentley coupe and it attracts everyones attention and when people come over she's like listening to blues music really loud
and the other day these couple of guys(they were really really cute) came over to her car to like compliment on it and for once she had the music turned off
but im afraid they're going to come back again
and shes going to drive them away with her blues music
how is she ever going to get a boyfriend?
she has like rough taste..............
i talked about this with my guyfriends and they said "wtf" when i told them that she liked blues music
i mean she hasnt had a boyfriend in her entire 17 years of lifetime
and shes actually pretty attractive too
i swear its the blues music
what do i do?!
Maybe she has been asked out but doesn't want to date anybody. It's not because of the music, that's just ignorant.

Lots of people like blues. If you were her friend, you wouldn't care.